10 years later...

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It's been ten years since the mysterious figure found little Estelle in the Dursley's doorstep...

Estelle POV:

Hi!,my name is Estelle Rose Potter I live with my mom in the castle of Elvendale,let me explain my mom queen Maria is the queen of Elvendale,she found me when she was taking a stroll in the  what we call muggle world.

My mom told me I was actually a witch,but she took me in which makes me the elf princess even though I'm a witch.She isn't ny biological mom but I still call her mom or mother.Since I am the elf princess I have a lot to learn that includes:

Proper Etiquette(Pureblood{witch/wizard}/Elf)

Language(includes muggle and magical creatures languages)

Weaponry(all weapons)


Instruments(all instruments with singing)

Politics(muggle,wizard and elf politics)

Magic(wandless/wordless magic)

Parcel magic


Jungle Survival







Care of Magical Creatures

Muggle Studies

Defence Against the Dark Arts(DADA)

Dark,Light and Neutral Magics 

Crafting(weapons,trunk,cages and wands)

Curse Breaking

Traditions(muggle,wizard/witch and magical creatures)

Flying(brooms,dragons,thestral and hippogriff)

Taming Magical Creatures

Household Chores

Since no one in Elvendale knows parceltounge,the portrait of Salazar Slytherin teaches me.He also told me I was the Hogwart heir.And he also told me where the entrance of the chamber of secrets is.






"𝑂𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑢𝑎𝑔𝑒"

I am so exited!.Today is my birthday so I will be getting my Hogwarts letter todday.

"It's here!"exlamed mother barging into my room."Really!"I say standing up."Yup open it"said mother."Okay!"I say smiling.

I excitedly write my response letter and tie it to my owl Star's leg

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I excitedly write my response letter and tie it to my owl Star's leg."Take this to professor McGonagall"I say giving her a treat."We will go to Diagon Alley tommorow,c'mon we need to go for breakfast"said my mother."Ok mom"I say heading to my closet to change.



This what I am wearing:

This what I am wearing:

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Sorry it's short this is kind of rushed...but don't worry I think I will be able to update tommorow if not then probably in the weekends or next week


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