Meating My Aunts

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The next day me and my mom were heading to Gringotts to meet my aunts.

When we arrived we were immediately escorted to Griphook's office.Once we entered the office we saw 6 people who I'm guessing was my aunts and their families."Ah,Lady Potter and Queen Maria,welcome!"said Griphook"May I ask,what are we doing here?"said a tall blonde man"We only needed mrs.Malfoy and mrs.Tonks but seing as your here might as well tell you too"said Griphook"mrs.Malfoy,mrs.Tonks this is Estelle Rose Potter daughter of Lily Potter otherwise known as Adhara Potter neé Black"Griphook said,I watched as mrs.Malfoy and mrs.Tonks eyes start to water while their families just look confused"Y-you mean Adhara was actually L-lily P-potter?"asked mrs.Malfoy with teary eyes,Griphook just nodded,the two just ran and hugged me breaking down to sobs"It's okay mrs.Malfoy,mrs.Tonks"I said hugging them back"Please call me aunt Cissa sweetie"mrs.Mal- I mean aunt Cissa said"And you can just call me aunt Meda"said aunt Meda"Okay aunt Cissa,aunt Meda"I said smiling,we stayed like that for a few more minutes before we all regained our composures."I'm confused..."said a miniature version of the blonde man"Me too..."said a girl a few years older than me"Draco this is your cousin Estelle Rose Potter"aunt Cissa said"Nymphadora this is your cousin Estelle Rose Potter"aunt Meda said"She is Adhara's daughter"said aunt Cissa"Who is Adhara?"said a man beside Nymphadora"Adhara was our sister that went missing when we were young and got married to Potter"said aunt Meda.After a few minutes of explaining what happened and what Dumbledore did they were furious. I was enjoying talking to my cousins,aunts and uncles,aunt Meda said they needed to leave"Bye aunt Made,bye uncle Ted,bye cousin Nymphie!"I said waving my hands"Bye Estelle"they said waving goodbye at me,they flooed back home leaving me with aunt Cissa and her family"Estelle do you want to come with us to go school shopping,Draco is starting Hogwarts too"said aunt Cissa"We already went school shopping yesterday,we can see each ther at the platform though"I said"That's alright Estelle,see you at the platform!"said aunt Cissa"Bye aunt Cissa,bye uncle Lucy,bye cousin Dragon!"I said waving at them"Bye Estelle"they said going out of the door."C'mon Estelle you still have lessons at home"mom said"Ok mom,may your hold overflow goblin Griphook"I said"And may your enemies cower beneath your feet Lady Potter"Griphook said.We left Gringotts and flooed to the castle for my lessons.





Sorry this was short guys!,I was running out of ideas for this chapter...Anyways,thank you for 100+ reads and 10+ votes,I'm really great full.Anyways see you guys next chapter!


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