Jason Grace

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Words: 473 words 

Pairing: Jason Grace x Self-Harming! Reader

Summary: Gender-neutral reader. Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Leo, Nico, Will and you had a day free of any activities. Since it was such a beautiful day, you all decided to spend the day at the beach. Please do not read if self-harm triggers you. If you are in danger of committing suicide, please contact someone who could help you. 

Godly Parent: Hephaestus 

Jason's POV:

It was a bright sunny day. All of the campers of Camp Half-Blood had a day free of any activities so we could bask in the warm climate. Some were inside their cabins but, most were in the water, splashing around and having fun.

Our squad wasn't much different. As soon as we put our baggage down on the scorching sand, most of us ran to the warm water. When I looked back, Y/n was still on land. Even Nico had gotten in the lake (only because Will dragged him in), so I didn't understand why Y/n didn't want to come in.

Plus, they were wearing a hoodie. Who wears a hoodie in the middle of summer? I trudged back up to land and stood in front of them. "Why are you wearing that? It's so hot out here," I asked, pointing to the bizarre garment of clothing.

"Umm..." They had a faraway look in their eyes, as though they were thinking hard. Then they said, "I had the chills." They looked into my eyes, with a pleading gleam in theirs, like they were asking me to stop asking questions. That got me even more curious.

I decided I wasn't going to ask them anything else. "Well, at least roll up your sleeves then," I said, grabbing their forearm and scrunched up the thick fabric. I was astonished when I saw a lot of scars up to their elbow. It was way too precise and too many to be from monsters. 

"How long?" I said, mindlessly running my thumbs over the grooves. It was a question any sane person would ask. It hurt me so much because I care a lot about this person. They looked down shamefully, "One year, seven months, and eleven days." I was shocked and stared as much as I could into their eyes and. let go of their arm. They rolled their sleeve back down shyly.

"Why didn't you tell anybody?!" I exclaimed loudly. I could see they started tearing up, "You know, it doesn't matter because I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere." I embraced them in the biggest hug I possibly could. It took a moment before they started hugging me back. They softly placed their head on my shoulder and started crying.

I held their shaking body even tighter. I felt a slight breeze and looked up. The sky had become a bit overcast, so I offered, "Hey, how about we head to my cabin for a while? We could watch a movie or read some books?"

They looked up into my eyes and sniffled, "That sounds fantastic."

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