Nico Di Angelo

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Words: 325 words. Sorry for not uploading in a while. I felt like I needed to publish something. That's why it's so short. 

Pairing: Nico Di Angelo x Reader

Summary: It takes a place in an Avatar: The Last Airbender AU. I'm super excited to do this. They will be placed in each nation according to my opinion, sorry if you don't agree with me. I have not seen the Legend of Korra yet, I know. It's on my to-watch list. Also, this takes place during season 3. Kronos (the firelord) is waging a war on the rest of the world.

Requested by: The wheel I use to decide what to do.

🌊 Percy Jackson -Northern Water Tribe (Warrior)
🏔 Annabeth Chase - Earth Kingdom (Kyoshi Warrior)
🌪 Leo Valdez - Air Nomads (Air Bender)
🌊 Frank Zhang - Northern Water Tribe (Healer)
🏔 Hazel Levesque - Earth Kingdom (Earth Bender)
🔥 Jason Grace - Fire Nation (Fire Bender/Prince)
🌊 Piper  McLean - Southern Water Tribe (Water Bender)
🔥 Nico Di Angelo - Fire Nation (Fire Bender/Prince's Companion)
🌪 Reader - Air Nomads (Avatar)


We arrived at the Eastern Air Temple after our catastrophe at the Fire Nation. Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, Leo and I were sitting around talking and sulking. That's when Jason and his companion, Nico showed up. I felt a slight fluttering movement in my stomach when I saw the shorter of the two. I have had a crush on him for a while, even though he is part of the enemy nation. He seems nice. 

I don't know how they found us but it makes sense considering they have located us so many times before. It seems as though Jason wanted to join our group and help me in firebending. Most of us were against the idea because of all he has done to us. I wasn't too against it because I wanted to spend as much time with Nico as possible. Since the majority rejected them, they left for wherever they had set up camp. 

I really wanted to see Nico again, almost like the small taste of his beauty made me crave for more. When it turned to night, I snuck out of our camp, took my staff and went looking for the prince's camp. After what seemed like hours, I found them nestled into a small area with less trees than the rest of the forest. 

The small raven-haired male sat outside the tent, possibly keeping watch. I cautiously walked forward out of the shadows, trying not to scare the the poor boy. Unfortunately, I stepped on a minuscule twig, making a surprisingly loud snap. The startled young man glanced around and threw sizzling hot flames at me. I yelped in pain at the feeling of the skin on my left arm burning. 

Once he realized it was me who had encroached onto their campground, he looked horrified. Since I dropped my staff, I had to find it before I could fly off back in the direction of the Eastern Air Temple.  

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