Leo Valdez

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Words: ____ words

Pairing: Leo Valdez x Merman! Reader

Summary: Poseidon got mad at Hades and decided to curse you to be a merman. You had been living in a lake, as comfortable as you could be when you got captured by Phorcys. He brought you to his aquarium in Georgia (I think? I can't remember). Percy, Frank, and Coach Hedge found you and (somehow) brought you back to the Argo II. Leo finds you fascinating and you two build an intimate relationship.

Godly Parent: Hades

Percy's POV:

Frank, Coach Hedge, and I were touring around the Georgia Aquarium with Kate and looking at all the poor creatures who were swimming mindlessly around in their enclosures. There were hippocampi, dryads, kelpies, and more. Then I saw something that I had only ever seen in a dream when I was 9. It was a mermaid. I walked over to see if I could talk to it. It was slowly swimming in circles with a dead look in its eyes. I communicated telepathically, "Hey. Are you a mermaid?"

It looked surprised to see me, I don't imagine it gets many visitors. "No, do I look like a girl to you?" He gave me a deadpan stare while crossing his arms.

I smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of my neck, "Sorry, are you a merman?" I looked into his eyes. They were a clear, beautiful (e/c) with small (gold/silver/etc..) specks in them.

"Obviously," He said, gesturing to his tail and fins. It was elegant, graceful and very long, completed by a stunning gradiant of (e/c) and (f/c). My eyes wandered to his torso, observing his (skin/colour), (body/type) midsection. "So, can you get me out of here?"

I snapped my eyes back to his. Before I could answer, Coach Hedge interrupted, "Hey cupcake! Why are you staring at the fish-man? We have to keep going!"

I glanced to the merman apologetically. "I'm sorry, I have to go. I promise I'll come back for you."

He shook his head and started to swim in circles again. "Suuuure you will, dude. Try not to die before that happens."

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip because I can't remember exactly what happens°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

Leo's POV:

Festus announced that Percy, Frank and Coach Hedge had just come back from the aquarium with something. I went back up to the deck to see what they brought. To my surprise, it was a giant glass case. How did they that onboard? I fleetingly thought. Then, I was immediately distracted by the thing in the case. It was a mermaid. A real life mermaid. It was sort sulking in the box, like a pouting child. 

Percy cleared his throat and hit took a while before I could stop thinking before looking at him. "Leo could you call a meeting? We all have something to discuss," He said while scratching the back of his neck. 

I looked back to the mermaid and said, "What is there to discuss? We always have mermaids coming aboard the Argo II." I began trying to figure out how it worked before getting my thoughts interrupted. 

"I am not a mermaid!" An unfamiliar yet soothing voice said. I looked around then at Percy, puzzled. Was there a monster near who thought we were talking about them?

When I looked at Percy, he was looking at the mermaid. I turned my gaze to the thing in the glass case. I was surprised to see that it was glaring at Percy and I. "Yeah, don't call him a mermaid. He'll get offended," as if this was a totally normal situation. When I looked to the merman I guess, he looked really handsome. What? I'm not into guys! Am I? 

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip cause I don't know what to write°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

We had decided to keep the new creature on board. I had gotten the merman, whose name was Y/N,'s  tank installed in the horse stables because there wasn't anywhere else. I could put it. He seemed displeased by the fact that he had to stay here, understandably. I wouldn't want to kept in a glass box on a flying ship either. 

We had talked quite a bit when I was fixing up his new area. I liked him a lot. He would laugh at my jokes and we got along super well. I was thinking that I might like him. 

Man, that was so bad. Thanks for sticking around I guess. 

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