Will Solace

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Words: 290 words

Pairing: Will Solace x reader

Summary: Will saves you from a monster at the school you go to.

Requested by:  The wheel I use to decide.


I was running. I was running from a stupid cheerleader who turned out to be an Empousa or whatever she called herself. I ran around the hallway of my school. Luckily or unluckily, everyone was in their classes, so no one was in the corridors. I ran into the hospital wing and locked the door behind me. I curled up under the nurses desk and trembled.

I heard loud banging coming from the front of the room, then a loud crash and I saw the door slam into the floor a little bit away of the desk. I heard the girl walk slowly towards me, her metal leg making a dull clunking noise and her donkey leg making a small clopping thump. I suddenly heard the footsteps stop and heard some hits and clangs, then nothing. I looked around the edge the desk and saw him.

He was standing in front of a window, so the daylight was streaming in, forming a halo around him. The way his blonde hair and a strange yellow dust flowing around him, glowed in the light. I didn't know where the dust came from, but the image sure was amazing. He looked like an angel. I couldn't quite see his face because of the daylight behind him, but I assumed he was smiling brightly.

The angelic boy stretched out his hand to me, and said, "Come on, get up. I've been sent here to rescue you and bring you to Camp Half-Blood." I must've looked confused and skeptical because he laughed a really melodic laugh. He said, "If you come, I'll tell you all about everything strange that has happened in your life." I stood up slowly, walked towards the boy and grabbed his outstretched hand.

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