Percy Jackson and Jason Grace

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Words: 1062 words

Pairing: Percy Jackson x Werewolf! Male! Reader x Jason Grace

Summary: You three are having a comfortable night in the Poseidon Cabin, watching Finding Nemo (requested by Percy) thanks to Leo making technology out of Celestial Bronze. Unfortunately, you had forgotten that tonight was a full moon, meaning that you would be going through your monthly transformation. I've never done a male reader before. I'm sorry if this turns out bad. Hope you like it!

Godly Parent: Eos (goddess of the Dawn) This was such a coincidence. I didn't try to get this on my godly parent wheel.

Y/N's POV:

Percy, Jason and I were spending the night together, watching Finding Nemo for the 20th time but it didn't matter because we were all together for once. Jason was usually travelling between Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter, making sure the minor gods were recognized, which I can appreciate curtesy of the fact that my mother is not well-known.

I was getting pretty hot since I was snuggled in between my two boyfriends and it was the middle of summer, so I stood up and took off my shirt. When, I turned back to sit back down, I caught Percy and Jason staring at my torso with bright red faces. "Earth to Jackson and Grace. You guys there?" I laughed.

They snapped out of their trance and snatched my waist and dragged me back to sit in their grasp. I was blushing slightly as I felt their warm touch around my hips. Jason started massaging the area around my v-line. He started to drag his hand lower and I slapped it away before he could start anything.

Suddenly, I felt a familiar tingle in my stomach, arms and legs. I jerked up and bolted to the window. I watched as the full moon rose from the horizon and my arms started to cramp up, confirming my suspicions.

"Y/N? What are you doing?" Percy stood up and came over to me. He put arm around my shoulder and tried to look me in the eyes.

"S-sorry, I have to go!" I ran from the Poseidon Cabin and into the forest. My legs started to hurt and I collapsed and blacked out.

Percy's POV:

I watched as Y/N ran into the forest. It's so dangerous in there alone, especially without a weapon. "Jason! We have to go after him!"

"As much as I want to, we'd probably get caught and eaten by the harpies!" Jason exclaimed. He looked so worried, I knew he wanted to go.

My fatal flaw was loyalty, so I dam right that I wasn't going to leave to fight off the monsters alone. "You're right but I would do anything for him."

Jason relented, "Fine, I won't let you go alone." He flipped his Imperial Gold coin and his sword landed in his hand. I uncapped my Celestial Bronze pen and Riptide grew. I opened the door and glanced around, making no people or harpies were in sight.

Once I concluded the coast was clear, I indicated to Jason and we ran as fast as we could. We got to the border and stopped to catch our breath. We looked to each other and shared a fist-bump, exchanging confident smiles in the light of our swords. My nerves spiked as I heard the growls of various dangerous creatures. Even though Jason and I had been in much more dangerous situations, I was scared for Y/N who was alone and weaponless.

Jason's POV:

We ran in together and fought off every monster that came our way, getting tired after a while. We stopped, resting against some trees, which I'm sure the nymphs would have been mad about had they not been asleep.

The loudest growl I had ever heard emitted from behind us. We slowly looked around our respective sides of the tree and saw something I had never seen before. A werewolf.

It saw the both of us and hesitated for a split second but ultimately decided it wanted to eat us. I was scared to fight it but it was for Y/N, and I would do anything for him. It swung it's claw at me missed my glasses by mere centimetres.

It went to take a bite of Percy, luckily he jumped back just in time and the werewolf only managed to get a piece of his shirt.

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Percy and I were exhausted from fighting this thing all night. It would not give up! The sky was turning a very pretty pink and orange meaning the sun was coming up soon. The worst part was that neither of us could find Y/N all night because we had been fighting this monster.

Suddenly, I felt faint and collapsed from from sleep deprivation. In my last seconds of consciousness, I saw that Percy had fallen beside. We made eye contact and I saw the regret his beautiful sea green orbs held. I reached out for his hand thinking these were going to be my last moments.

Y/N's POV:

I woke up on the ground in the forest a few meters away from Percy and Jason. I tried to rack my brain for a little recollection of last night. I remember seeing the full moon, running into the woods and little glimpses of fighting my boyfriends with big, hairy arms and sharp claws.

I gasped in realization and looked over to the boys in front of me. I scanned their bodies for any serious injuries but, thankfully I only saw scratches and bruises. I didn't see how I could get them out of the dangerous trees seeing as they were both passed out cold.

I glanced up to sky in thought and saw that it was dawn, my favourite time of the day. I asked my mother for her blessing to get the loves of my life out of this predicament. I felt a rush of warmth run through me and knew she heard me. 'Thank you, Mother' I thought.

I flipped Jason's sword and turned it back to a coin and put it in his pocket. I pulled him up and put him on my back. I held up Percy in my arms and took Riptide, just in case. I started my trek back to Camp.

Thankfully and strangely, I didn't run into any monsters or people on my way back. When I got back to the Poseidon Cabin, I knew my mother had done more than I had asked her to and made a mental note to put extra food into the fire at breakfast.

I put my precious boys on the couch to rest and sat in between them. They both ended up falling onto me, and I looked at their peaceful faces. These were faces I never really got to see. I kissed their foreheads and fell asleep, tired from the night's activities.

It's 3:40 am and I'm slowly losing my mind. Hope enjoyed reading that as much as I enjoyed writing it. Sorry if there are any mistakes. Feel free to make requests if you want something specific. Thank you.

- Hawthorne

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