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!!Trigger warning!! Derealization very short skip the first Italics after the time skip!!⚠️

I didn't even notice I was 5 minutes early.

As I walked closer to Kozu I took in my surroundings, everything was so fancy and matched Kozu's astetic.

"Cayden, could you go grab my list for me?" Kozu said as I sat down "Cayden..?" I ask warily "he's talking about me, and yes Kozu!" The man across from us said leaving to the room on the left. " so! Tea?" Kozu asked gesturing to the coffee table " uhmm.. no thanks" how is he acting so calm?.

Cayden walked back into the room holding a small notepad then handed it to Kozu "perfect, now lets see what-" his eyes widened and a small grin crawled onto his face. "I know what you can do for me! Lets talk" he said in a menessing voice putting down the notepad.


I run for my life then bang! I fall, I'm still falling- the cold water stings my back as we collide. I can't breath, help, I.. I need.. help. I can't feel my arms, why.. why is he standing there? D-Don't just- look.. H..help..

I wake up In my room, a dream? Yeah... yeah. I had a shakey morning but I need to get ready for tomorrow, I look through some of my dads old suitcases hoping to find something that will help.

Finding a few small things I turn and grab some paper and then sit down I have to have a plan for tomorrow.

After about 2 hours of thinking of ways to get whatever the heck Kozu wants so bad and then get out, I find a small opening in the building that might be useful. I check my path over and over again hoping to live through everything comeing my way tomorrow.


Today's the day, its almost 9:30pm I need to get going. Where did I leave my carterknife?

I run up stairs and grab my Tanto knife and bag off of my desk. I don't really have anything good to change into, I grab a pair of jeans and a dark blue shirt. Can't forget my goggles, they have special lenses in them that might come in handy tonight.

Its time...


I walk closer to the old house stoping behind a close building so I can see if someone is there. I can't believe I'm doing this. All I hear is the slight breeze and the distant chatter of what might be two groups of people? yeah maybe.. I look around for anyone who might see me, finding nothing I take a deep breath and run over to the brick house. I find the window that I had planned to go through it has boards on it, dang! If I smash through one of the other windows people will hear me, but if I don't and instead go through the boarded window someone could hear the boards hit the floor or could be inside. I rush to think of what I should do before deciding to look through my bag, I find a weird metal thing sitting at the bottom.

I think I've seen dad use this to break into a car.. I grab it and turn to the dusty window. Lets hope no one is inside, and that its not to loud *clink* Glass shatters everywhere, it wasn't too loud ether. I pull myself through the now broken window, with a small thud my feet hit the floor. I'm in.


After maybe a minute or two of grabbing whatever I can find I hear someone talking. Its still outside of the house but is getting closer to the door. I scramble to grab my bag and a few extra binders, then I head towards the shattered window. The door opens and a tall brown haired man is standing there, he notices me and quickly grabs hold of the gun strapped around him. It looks to be some sort of riffle but I'm too far away to tell.

I get out of the window before I hear a british accent yell in my direction followed by an american one then a gun shot. That almost hit me I run and run until I feel out of breath.


I get back home and lock the door I'm done with today. I look over towords the bag laying on the floor and the old binders with papers falling out of them, I just did that..

Dad always said that he did the things he did to help people, and he always said he would be proud of me. Would he feel the same about this? Was all this really helping people? At least I will have my parents back tomorrow, and I will be done with all this.

Pulling the glasses off of my head and looking at my reflection, I think about the day I've had, my parents, the state of the world.. what happened?

Shorter chapter! But I hope you liked it! The next few things to come will be fun to read, this is just setting up the time line! Bye

861 words

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