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  Hi, I'm Kat a new author. Before this book starts I was hevily inspired by Pinktintedskies- Nightingale. It is also a DreamNotFound book and i recomend reading it! I got inspired by it and wanted to wright a similar book, sorry if it feels super similar I don't intend to make them match I'm only using at most two concepts from their book!

Another night in this awful world. That was the last thing that crossed my mind before I was snaped out of my own thoughts, Nick and I were on night watch in the East sector of our territory- well at least where we call "home". Nick had just called my name and was waiting for an answer "yeah?" I asked almost at a whisper "you zoned out again Dream! And just when my story was getting to the good part" Nick whined "sorry Nick, I was thinking about things" I said rubbing the back of my neck "Dreeeeam" he pouted "call me by my codename!" "Fine, I'm sorry pandas" I said rolling my eyes which earned me a punch in the arm "its Sapnap and you know it!" He hissed with a tinge of laughter "same thing" I shrugged earning me a slightly softer punch.


With the bright light of the morning sun I was awake "ughh" I sighed "Sapnap! Close the blinds at night!" I yelled into the rest of our small shared apartment, it wasint that big of a space but had all the escentuals present. As you walk into the apartment you're met with the living room and to the left a nice sized kitchen- well at least for the size of the apartment. If you walk down the small hall you're met with two doors either side, to the left is our bedroom and to the right a nice size bathroom. Every room in the building is slightly trashed, at lest the ones currently not in use. Everyone in our "group" try's to keep everything tidy.

As I finished getting changed into a pair of light blue jeans with a white short sleeved shirt messily tucked into certain areas along with my signature smily face white mask, I was meet with the smell of fresh breed and what I presumed would be PB&J's for breakfast. Walking out of our shared room I was greeted by two people instead of the usual one which explained why breakfast was already made for once "hi Dream" I was greeted by a tough french accent "good morning A6d" I greeted warmly offering a wave "so you call him by his codename but not me?" Said Sapnap with a teasing tone "good morning Sapnap" I retorted bowing slightly which earned me a swat to the back of the head by Sapnap and muffled laughter from A6d. This was going to be a fun morning A6d rarely comes over for anything other than missions "so what's up?" I asked looking between the two "we have a target to find together" Sapnap responded handing me my breakfast "his name is Sebastian Lin" A6d added pulling out a file to show me "looks easy" I responded flipping through the small file while taking a bite of my PB&J.


As the three assassins cornered their target he fell to the floor in tears "p-please! I-I have a wife to get back to" he stuttered backing up into the wall "sorry dude but we have your file which means you did something" Sapnap spat at the man taking out his slim knife "I-I can't leave her! S-she's having a baby s-soon" he cried running a had through his short brown hair "well that's not our problem is it?" Said A6d in a flat tone, the man's eyes looked between the three of us with sadness and fear evident in them "s-she can't survive without my help!" he pleaded looking at me although he couldn't see my face "sorry its just our job-" said Sapnap ready to take the kill before a gunshot went off next to him "A6d!!" He yelled "it was taking too long" A6d shrugged putting his gun back in its holster on his belt

The walk back consisted of Sapnap telling A6d he wanted the kill and yadda yadda, I was paying more attention to our surroundings to keep us safe. Once we were almost back to the apartment buildings a loud gunshot when off redirecting our attention.

That's it for the first chapter of the book! What do you think? Sorry its so short! Its currently almost 2:00am so I'm going to go to bed, I hope you stick around for what's to come!

784 words

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