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I have returned! Sorry it took so long.

George's POV

I awoke to the normal sight of my bedroom, papers are scattered throughout the room. I sit up on my bed falling out of my dreams and into reality.

Stepping out of my bedroom I go grab something to eat, we never really had that much food.. I decide on eating some eggs and toast, just got to start the fire.


After getting changed into a dark blue swetter with black and red splotches covering the arms and a pair of long dark jean shorts. I grabbed all of the papers off of my floor stuffing them into my bag and grabbing my goggles.

Just before I left I grabbed a small set of matches and my tanto knife, just incase I leave my small house and go towards where Kozu wanted to meet.


I arrived at the street Kozu said to meet at. This street was two roads over from where Kozu lives, he told me to meet in front of a old purple house.

I look around for Kozu for a few minutes and right as I was about to turn around Cayden calls out to me. Turning towards him I noticed both of my parents, a few of Kozu's guards, Cayden and Kozu.

"Good evening George" Kozu said leaning forward in a subtle bow. "H-hello Kozu" I say trying not to be too nervous. "I assume you got what I asked for?" "Uhh, yes! As much as I could get" I respond handing him the bag with all of the notebooks and binders in it.

"Very good!" He says as Cayden grabs the bag from my hand. "Cayden, go put those away for me would you?" The raven haired man asked with a smile "Yes sir!" Cayden says walking towards their house.

Kozu's smile fades with the absence of Cayden. "Now lets talk" one of the guards next to Kozu hands him the notepad from before, "what's that for?" I ask him "well for deciding what you're doing next of course!" He responds with an added grin.

"W-what do you mean?" I step closer to my parents "I did what you asked of me, now I get my parents back!" I say a little irritated. "That's how it works most of the time, but you did so well that I just have to have you work for me!" He grins "but I don't want to do something like that again!" I say a bit too loud. "Oh? Why not?" He asks with a fake pout "I think you don't have an option" one of the guards behind him puts their hand on the knife in their poket.

I stand there in shock for a second, we had a deal "b-but-" "I know I know, 'we had a deal' but I'm the one in power" he cuts me off and steps back so my parents are in front of him. "But if you really feel that way.." he waits for my answer.

"I don't want to steal for you! I just want them back!" I yell out "fine then. You won't work for it, you don't get it" he snaps his fingers and the guards holding my parents mouths let go and instead grab ahold of their bowie knives. "Last chance" Kozu says closing his eyes.

My parents both scream out to me, in the moment I can't hear or see anything other than Kozu slowly counting down from 5. "Everything's going to be ok! Just turn around and cover your ears" my dad says to me "you need to be safe while we can't protect you ok?" my mom says closing her eyes.

I reach into my pocket and grab my tanto knife, but when to use it? I run towards Kozu and he opens his eyes, one of the guards I hadn't noticed before now jumped over Kozu as he bent down. Their knife collided with mine and they knocked me down. Kozu stood up with a tisk "I had hoped you would be better than this but then again, plan for the worse" he gave me a glare.

My mother was the closest one to me, she seemed so scared telling me "its ok sweetheart, just walk away". I looked at my mother, she seems so ready to die.. Kozu sighed and snapped his fingers, both of the men lunged their knives into my parents chests. I turned away in fear the way neither of my parents screamed or pleaded, all that left their mouths on impact was sharp grunts and loud inhales.

Tears pricked at my eyes and my hands covered my mouth, Kozu started to walk away leaving me here with my dying parents and a single guard. I stood up to say a last goodbye to my parents.

"M-mama P-papa" I started to cry out "goodbye son.." my father said giving me a small smile. "I want you to have this-" my mother handed me her locket "goodbye George" she said starting to cry.

Kozu turned to look at the despair he had just caused, he then signalled to the guard still with me "you have 30 second to run George! No loose ends!" He said turning the corner.

"W-what?" I look towards him, "he said 30 seconds, you should be happy you have that long" the guard said then starting to count down. "W-wait!" I stutter scrambling to my feet "please stop!" He closes his eyes and continues to count.

My father grabs my hand and gives it a small squeeze "you'll be ok George, now go" he let go of my hand and pointed for me to leave.

"12" I look at the guard and quickly listen to my dad running away from that place, I will have to go back to bury them. I run and run tears still falling from my eyes, I can hear him not far behind me now.

"Can't you just leave me be!?" I call out behind me, "Kozu will have me dead if I didn't try" he yells back throwing his knife and hitting my leg "GRAHH".

Alright! That's all for this chapter, don't worry a new one should be out supper soon!

1047 words

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