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I'm soo excited to bring you this chapter! I've had the idea for this since before day 1 of the story. I hope I can do the idea justice. Enjoy!~

George's POV
5 days before the encounter


I look towards my father as he leads my mother and I trough a slim alleyway going back to our street, "are we almost there?" I ask getting nervous "close. Keep quiet" he responds slowing down. Luckily my father and I both look capable of taking on a fight, although only my father can live up to his looks. I myself prefer to stay at home and read old books. My mother kept several poetry, school, and art books from the "better days".

The night was cold and quiet, everything was still and damp. My father slowed his steps as a set of footsteps started to sound from around the corner ahead, my mother stoped and put her arm in front of me. As we waited for my father's command I noticed a small shine from one of the windows to our left, I looked at it for less than a second before the window was burst through by a man in a tan trench coat, black fedora, and a black mask. The man was holding a knife towards my mother, he barely missed. As I looked around I noticed several people wearing the same outfit, all of them had different weapons but all the same targets. Us.

I drew out a small carter knife from my pocket with a shakey hand, just then one of the men steped towards my father. The man was not wearing the same attire as the others but rather a long black coat with blue accents and a blue scarf. The man had black hair and vibrant purple eyes, the radiation can cause some lovely traits in people. He looked at my father and then to me and said "I am Kozu. You are in my territory, and that means you must give me something of value. That is if you want to leave here unharmed" he grinned then continued "I have work for fine men like you two. It might come in handy to have a smaller boy on my team" he looked me in the eyes and winked. "My son will do no such thing!" My mom spoke to the man stern "I know what you are! And he will not be associated with your type of work" she scoffed. "Oh?" He looked to my mother then back to my father "what if he's doing it to save you?" He gave a malicious grin. I've never seen my father this tense before, he used to work as an officer of the state which led to all sorts of split second life or death decisions. Yet today my father was sweating and uneasy. "I will do the work you need. Leave him out of it." He spoke up, Kozu looked at him for a second with a blank face then looked to the man next to him and nodded.

"I've thought about it andd, nah" he took a step back "I just need the kid actually. I have plenty of men your size, but not his" he grinned at me then snapped his fingers, all of the people surrounding us jumped on my parents sending them to the ground. "Mom! Dad!" I go to run forward but am stoped by someone i had'int noticed before. He was in a similar style as Kozu, but instead of having a long coat he only had a dress shirt and suit pants. The man had a gentle touch but was strong, he was holding me in a half hug. "See. All people need is motivation, then I can do what I want with them" he said bending down to look my father in his eyes "you're both good enough motivation". I was panicking, searching for a way to help or escape from the man behind me. Nothing I could think of would work. "Well its your decision" Kozu said as he turned away "you can do something for me, or they can die" he snapped his fingers and one of his men pulled out a gun, then another. "Fine! I-I'll do it, just stop!" my eyes started to tear up and my words were rushed. "Great! Go to house 317 on the next street. There we can decide your mission" he said as he turned his head to look at me "be there in 20 minutes. Don't be late~" he winked then walked away.

The man holding me whistled and the men on my parents got up and walked holding them after Kozu. "Sorry. But it is how it is" his voice was soft and empathetic. I looked up to see his face better, he had dark red-brown hair and brown eyes. He let go of me and was gone.


I went to the address he gave me, the house was nice looking but still had boarded up windows and guards on the inside. I got to the door and knocked, hopefully they don't let me in- "welcome" the guard who opened the door said "Kozu is waiting for you" said the other guard "go on".

I walked towards the livingroom area of the house, nothing was torn apart or old looking. As I got closer I noticed the man from earlier that night, the one that held me back. On the couch was Kozu, he had a tray of tea on the coffee table and already had a cup for himself. "Hello again" the man opposite to Kozu said "ah, early are we?" Asked Kozu. I didn't even notice I was 5 minutes early.

Hi! It's been a bit since I last updated the story. I was working on this chapter but quickly realized it would take a long time to wright. So instead of wrighting 1 super long chapter, I'm going to do 2-3 chapters around this size. Lots more to come!

1008 words!

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