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So- I messed up last chapter with one of the characters, I fixed it though! Bad is not supposed to be in that chapter so the character was changed to Fundy, sorry for the mistake. Anyways, Lets get right into it! Enjoy~

I woke up to a small almost broken alarm going off next to my bed "Dreammm" Sapnap whined in a gritted voice "what did I say about setting that alarm up in the mornings!" He sighed and turned over in his bed "sorry Sapnap, I forgot how loud it is" I apologized to my half asleep friend.

I got up, got dressed, and went to make breakfast for both of us. I was currently in a big grey hoodie with blue-grey ripped jeans and of course my mask, cooking eggs for myself and leaving the asleep lump a bowl of oatmeal that just needed to be heated up. Knowing Sapnap he will wake up in about 3-4 hours from now, when I do missions I find it good to get set up early. I spent several minutes eating and left the apartment at about 4:43 Am, the perfect time to start looking for my target!


I spent all day looking for the boy described to me last night also asking Techno for more details, turns out his name is George.

It was currently 6:05 Pm and I was half way back to the apartment buildings when a familiar face caught my sight. It was Skeppy darting across rooftops. He was in a black beanie which blended in with his long black hair, the short boy was also in a pair of ripped jeans although I couldn't see the exact color of them, the only color I could make out on him was a darker red shirt tucked into his jeans. Only now did I notice the other boy standing on the rooftop with the raven haired boy, it was Punz! Both Punz and Sapnap look similar but you can tell the boy currently across from me was the taller of the two with blonde hair instead of brown, he was in black sweats and a grey jacket with soft yellow details. The taller boy looked over to see me walking closer to "home" while looking at the two, he waved at me with a slanted smile which caused the smaller to look over at me and do the same but with a bigger smile.


When I arrived at my appartment I noticed Sapnap was gone. He must have been sent on watch or got a mission, it wasn't uncommon for me to come home to a peaceful appartment but that never stops me from checking for anything. After my short check of the house I laid down on my bed pondering where my target could be hiding, I had checked almost 2/3 of our territory going as far as I could before other "groups" would become a problem. What if I had missed him in one of the towns? What if he was from one of our rival "groups"? The more I sat there the worse my thoughts became, I had to find this boy and fast.

POV Earlier


After I had woken up a second time, the first thanks to my roommate Dream. Man I love that guy but sometimes my sleep is more important to me, I don't blame him too much though! Soon after I was finished with my oatmeal there was a knock on my door, when I opened the brown door I was meet with a tall man who we all called Awesam or Sam for short. Sam is 6'7 so I have to look up to greet him "hey Sappynappy" he greeted teasing me "good morning to you too" I said sarcastically, our gazes met for no more than 3 seconds before we both started laughing.

We both slowly calmed down with Sam handing me one of the saved files from last nights events "Wilbur put us on a team to get this guy, he said not to kill him though" Sam said looking at me with his icy blue eyes "darn, I wanted to get a kill after the mission last night" I sighed tilting my head down "why aren't we killing him anyways?" I asked, Sam looked to me brushing his blonde hair out of his eyes "Wilbur wants to recruit him-" "and figured a tree and a mildly aggressive Sapnap would be the best choice?" I asked jokingly "exactly" Sam joked winking at me "so we up for it or does Fundy get to go welcome the new guy?" Sam nuged me "oh heck no, Fundy isn't getting out of training this time" I said giggling.


The guy we were looking for was only a few years older than me being the same age as Sam, he had brown hair, dull blue eyes, and seems to have some impressive skills. His name is Daniel but he seems to go by Dan, his log says he lives in one of the towns towards our borders. He should be easy to find and easy to convince hopefully "it says he has dogs?" I asked looking over to Sam "says they're pugs, don't see many pets around now" Sam said not meeting my eyes.


We were almost to the address on his profile when the barking of dogs became audible and a few muffled screams raged through the surrounding area, Sam and I both looked to each other starting to run forwards.

This was not going to be easy after all, lets just hope we aren't to late to the party.

That's the end! Hope you liked the chapter, the next one will be fun to wright! Stick around to see what happened with Dan(Dantdm)

964 words!

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