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I hope the story is going alright so far! Enjoy~

Sprinting towards the less abandoned looking house I noticed Sam draw his sword from its sheath on his back, I readied myself as we got closer by pulling out one of the knifes I had brought along setting another in its place on my belt. Once we had broken through the white door we followed the noise of dogs and metal colliding to be met with our target on the floor and a purple haired girl leaveing though the window, as fast as she had left the dogs were jumping at us now. Not wanting to harm them knowing it wouldn't leave a good first impression,Sam looked to the man on the floor then to me.

Without a second to act on the subtle commands Dan had commanded his dogs to his side "Ellie, Darcie, down" now looking up to us "if you're going to kill me do it" he gasped with a british accent. I looked to Sam then back at the helpless man before us "we actually came to recruit you.. that was before little miss grape intervened" I snarked. Dan's eyes lit up as he looked at me "recruit me for what exactly?" He asked preparing to stand up "to be an assassin" Sam said getting ready to help him up "we know how good your skills are, it would be an honor to have you join us" "if you can help me out with this" he said lifting his hand to reveal a long cut stretching from the middle of his side down to the base of his leg "then maybe"

Sam and I helped him up and used some smartly packed bandages from Sam's bag to help with the cut until we could get him home. We started our walk with a few of his things and two pugs, it was close to 4:50 Pm by now and we still had a long walk till the apartments.


When we got close enough to the center of our territory we got stopped by Fundy and TapL, both of the boys noticed the bleeding coming from the unfamiliar face and decided to help us get him inside our med lab.

"Is he good?" Fundy asked pointing to Dan who was now on a makeshift hospital bed "he has a big cut on his stomach, what do you think?" TapL said sarcastically "sorry Harvy, I'm just a little confused why he's here" Fundy said motioning to Dan "well fox boy, we were asked to bring him here by Wilbur. So I would have better manners if I were you" Sam scoffed at the orange haired boy "don't call me fox boy!" Fundy yelled at Sam "guys!" TapL hissed at the two "be more considerate to our guest! He's in a hospital bed and has to listen to you two argue" "actually this is fun to listen to" Dan piped up from beside me "why do you call him fox boy?" Dan asked raising a brow "he is obsessed with foxes, he even has a fox tail and ears!" I snorted "hey!! Its not my fault Will won't leave it alone!" Fundy hissed at me running a hand through his orange locks "oh, whose Will?" Dan asked with wide eyes "Fundy's dad" Sam rolled his eyes "he is not!" Fundy whined.

While the three argued and teased each other I turned to Dan "we will introduce you to everyone, if you join" I said "how about you tell me about everyone in this room first?" Dan asked with a chuckle "sure" I giggled slightly "I'm Sapnap, the guy with the miss matched hoodie is TapL, the fox-" "hey!" Fundy chimed in "fineee" "the guy with orange hair is Fundy" "thank you" Fundy said with a look of triumph on his face "and the blonde is AweSam or just Sam" I ended rolling my eyes "well I'm Dan! And these are my pugs-" Dan said patting the empty spot on the bed "Ellie and Darcie!" He stated.


Once Dan was all set up for the night and tended to I made my way to my apartment, it was close to 9:18 Pm by then which was late for me to get back home. The walk back was tiring but calm it was already dark out and starting to get cold, you could taste the rain in the air along with the radiation and pollution. It had just started raining once I got to our shared apartment, I decided to sit and watch the rain for a few minutes. Not long after I had made myself comfortable the sweetness of sleep started to come over me, I closed my eyelids and was whisked away to another world.



I awoke before my alarm quickly shutting it off, then I noticed the raven haired boy across from me all nestled up in some blankets leaning againtst the footboard of his bunk bed. Looking out the window I noticed how damp everything was and guessed that Nick decided to watch the rain last night, he tends to do so when he feels relaxed or if he has had a long night. I'll ask him about it later I decide picking out my clothes for the day which consist of ripped black jeans and a green hoodie with white and black accents. Walking out to the kitchen I'm met with Sam who is one of the only people to see my face the others being Sapnap and Wilbur, "did you need me for something or are you waiting for Panda?" I ask drawing his attention to me "he would be sooo mad at you" Sam grinned "and yes, I'm here for him" "well get comfy, he sleeps in late" I respond shrugging slightly "want anything?" "nah I ate at mine" "gottcha, well I'll be going then" I said grabbing a bagel and giving him a wave "bye Dreamie~" he snickered waving to me.


I had checked the last 1/3 of our territory and rechecked several spots closer to the base, no sign of him "ughh" I grunted seating myself at the edge of a rooftop. "Where could he-" looking down at the small road there he was, the boy with clout goggles. He was running in an odd way constantly looking back is he being chased? I wondered, he started to slow down I guess if he was, he's not anymore. I leaped off of the roof landing a few feet behind him he was still running but when he looked back at me he speed up, I chased after him easily and pinned him to the ground a few feet from a small house. As I spun him to face me everything stoped for a second.

How did you like the chapter? It is definitely a lot longer but I needed to finish Dan's start! And get into the first interaction. How do you guys like the art of new characters at the top of a chapter? And what do you think will happen next chapter?

1188 words!

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