Take Down Danzō Pt.3

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As soon as those words left Obito's mouth, the ground had stopped shaking as everyone made it to their feet hastily. They all ran to the large window to see the exact thing he yelled aloud, and their reactions varied slightly.

For the most part, each of them felt shocked at what was happening, but each was quick to react being the experienced Shinobi they were, and one by one rushed out of the window, using the rooftops to make their way to the fiery area.

At the hospital, things were a bit more hectic considering they were a bit closer to the division than the Hokage Office. The building, with the ground, shook violently as everyone inside fell from the impact. Patients on rolling stretchers or in the rehab section fell and broke limbs that were just about healed as the doctors and nurses watching them hit the ground. Patients in surgery died or got cut accidentally as the building shook, causing tools to cut where they weren't supposed to. All in all, things quickly got out of control.

"W-What's going on?!" Rin yelled out, losing her footing and falling from the ground. Before that, she was treating Shisui who had been in a medically induced coma so that he could heal. Thankfully, she had nothing sharp in her hand or he'd definitely been injured or worse dead.

The shaking stopped as quickly as it began before she got up and checked on her latest patient. The machine that had been monitoring the Uchiha's heartbeat was off, along with other technology such as the lights. She put her head to his chest before sighing in relief, he was breathing just as he had before and his heartbeat was steady.

Just as she finished her checkup, the door slammed open to reveal one of the top doctors in the hospital. "Nohara-san! Electricity in the building has shut down from whatever happened! Patients on life support are dying and as well as patients who were in surgery! How do we proceed?!" He looked clearly distraught and surprised but his voice held firm as he delivered the information to the Head of the Hospital.

Rin bit her lower lip as she thought about what to do. "I want our top men to go and stabilize as many as the critical patients as possible! In the meantime, nurses need to tend to any elder patients while other doctors make sure that patients with any damaged limbs are secure!"

The man nodded fast, ready to do as assigned. "Yes m-" He cut himself off with a gargled scream with a shrill tone. His face was one of shock as blood seeped from his mouth and his eyes rolled back in his head. Just a few meters down Rin could see a Kunai covered in dense chakra, piercing the doctor through his chest. The man leaned over before falling to the ground, unmoving as his killer made himself known with a smirk and a small chuckle.

"This is my chance, " he muttered out, his face holding a sadistic smile as blood leaked from the Kunai onto the fresh corpse that was sprawled on the ground. "And I won't let it go to waste."

"W-Who the hell are you?!" Rin roars after the shock wears off. That doctor had been one of the kindest and helpful people she'd ever met. She'd even had the pleasure of meeting his family and now she'd have to tell them that he was dead. It caused her to be uncharacteristically angry.

"That's not what I'd be asking in your situation." The grey-haired Shinobi mused, walking slowly in the room. He tilted his head to the side, aiming to see past Rin. But she saw this and got in front of his view, not wanting him to see Shisui in his easily killable state. "Who's the patient behind you that you're protecting, Rin." The way he said her name was almost enough to send a shiver down her spine.

But once again she got angry, this time at the mention of Shisui and she could tell he was going to use that to his advantage in whatever he wanted to do. She tried reaching behind her silently to take out a weapon but stopped when Kabuto called her out.

Obito's Redemption Story (CURRENTLY EDITING FIRST 15 CHAPTERS OR SO.) SEQUEL OUTWhere stories live. Discover now