Shisui Uchiha

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Obito was walking through one of many training grounds inside the Hidden Leaf Village. So many things had happened to him since he woke up and he needed to think on it all.

First was his conversation with his teammates. He'd been able to tell them lies on how the Sharingan could be activated and thanked the Uchiha for the secretive ways as they couldn't confirm if he was telling them the true or not. Though Kakashi still didn't looked convinced he still took it, for now. What he was really worried about was Kakashi asking him who Kaguya was and saying that he gotten the name from Minato. But where did Minato get that name. Obito was sure he hadn't said it.

No he was getting off topic. The blonde already knew so it was no help to focus on it. He'd deal with that later since it was the least of his problems anyway.

Second was finding Hashirama's DNA. He couldn't have another time where he would be so vulnerable like being in a coma. Especially now that he was known to have the Sharingan. And while Fugaku was the only one who knew of the Mangekyo he didn't know how long that would last. He couldn't risk Danzō or Orochimaru taking his eyes away from him while he slept. He needed a way to find the snake though.

Third was he needed to find a way to kill Danzō without causing a stir if he could. Despite the hatred he held for the warhawk he knew the man held a lot of political weight and knew very powerful people. Killing him out of nowhere could put suspicious on anyone but especially the Uchiha as the village didn't have the kindest words for them. Killing Orochimaru was something that shouldn't be too big of a deal for him however.

Last but not least was his decision to follow along with Fugaku and make Itachi his student. He figured it would benefit to have someone as strong and intelligent as Itachi in his side if he were to need someone else to help him with the pest that needed to be eliminated. And if he were to need to sacrifice himself passing on his belief in ridding the world of evil to Itachi would be a good idea in his opinion.

The thunk of metal hitting a target grabbed him out of his thoughts and he looked ahead of a tree in the dense forest he was in to see a young Uchiha in a throwing position and 6 Shuriken imbedded in a target dummy.

The dark curls in his head looked familiar but Obito knew who this was when he saw the Tantō holster. This was Shisui Uchiha the prodigy of the Uchiha and the most powerful of his class. Obito was surprised to see him.

"That was pretty good, right?" The boy asked himself as he panted slightly and began walking to pick the Shuriken out of the target but he felt something weird. Like he was being watched. He turned to immediately to see Obito who was surprised at the speed he could move looking so young. Though he hadn't shown it. "Oh, hi. Didn't know I had an audience."

"You're pretty good, Shisui Uchiha correct?" Obito asked walking into the clearing.

"Yep, that's me. You come here to spar or something?" The boy asked.

Obito was about to say no when he stopped himself. He could use a spar after spending days laying in a coma. Of course having Shisui around could help him at least warm up. Not to mention see him potential with his own eyes.

Obito fell into a stance quickly, already felling the tension in his muscles. He'd go easy until he adjusted. "Yea, let's do this."

Shisui smirked and fell into his own stance, looking to be mixture between the academy standard one and the Uchiha specialized one. "If I win you have to by me some Dango."

Obito's Redemption Story (CURRENTLY EDITING FIRST 15 CHAPTERS OR SO.) SEQUEL OUTWhere stories live. Discover now