Uchiha Massacre

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A month and a half had past and like Obito predicted nothing became better. Even though the Clan was trusted a little more it wasn't to where they wanted it to be. And it still pushed them to want the Coup to happen. The Uchiha sealed their fate and in two weeks time the ANBU Black Ops with Obito, Shisui, and Itachi would all massacre the Clan.

Obito looked a little sad at what he had to do but knew it was for the greater good. "Shisui, Itachi I know how you guys feel but I need you to do something when you kill the other Uchiha."

"What is it?" Shisui asked as Obito had gained his and Itachi's attention.

"I need you two to take their eyes so people like Danzō won't use this to their advantage and steal their eyes," Obito said out loud. Obito didn't trust Danzō and he made sure to pound that in his student's head.

"Ok." They answered simultaneously. They all looked dead in the eyes as the days before the plan was set.


Night of the Uchiha Massacre

ANBU Black Ops moves out with their goal in sight the Uchiha Compound. They arrived there without warning killing many unsuspecting Uchiha at first. They were told only to spare two Uchiha which were Sasuke Uchiha and Izumi Uchiha. Everyone else was to be eliminated.

As ANBU killed Uchiha Obito, Shisui, and Itachi all had Shadow clones that took their eyes out and stored them before finding more. They had to get as many as possible.


Itachi walked into his house at the center of the compound alone. He knew Sasuke was still at the academy and right before he left he put a Genjutsu on him to make him sleep. When he came into the main room he saw both of his parents' side by side with their backs facing him.

"Hello, Itachi." His parents said in unison. "M...mother, Father?" He questioned looking between them. What were they doing?

He held his head down as he stilled his emotions. "Mother, Father I'm sorry." He said as he slowly unsheathes his sword.

"We understand Itachi," Fugaku responded. "Good job, son," Itachi said nothing else as he slowly walked to his mother gripping his sword tightly on the verge of tears.

"I love you, Itachi. Please, take care of your brother." She said before he cut her down. Her body fell down lifeless but he knew he couldn't dwell on it; Sasuke was supposed to be on the way.

He moved on to his father. "I'm proud of you, Itachi," Fugaku said making Itachi shed tears. He gripped his sword before bringing it up and stabbing his father through the back. He couldn't stop his tears with his eyelids anymore as he cried silently, wishing that he didn't have to do this.

When his eyes opened he had a newly developed Mangekyō. He took both of his parents' eyes out before peacefully closing their eyes. When Sasuke's Chakra appeared he disappeared from the room and went on to kill the rest of the Uchiha.


News about the Massacre of Uchiha went everywhere in the world. There were only 5 Uchiha left Obito, Itachi, Shisui, Sasuke, and Izumi. After most of the village attended the mass funeral that was held in honor of their Clan. Obito, Shisui, and Itachi counted all the pairs of eyes that collected. They got all of them and trusted them to Obito who stored all the eyes in cabinets in his Kamui Dimension.


It had been 6 months since the Uchiha Massacre and Obito was finally going on a mission in the ANBU again. He and the others had to be evaluated to make sure their were in good mental health and since all of them were after 6 months they went back to their normal lives. They kept the Compound on the edge of the village as they wanted to make sure Sasuke and Izumi were safe. She also took care of Sasuke when she wasn't busy being a Chūnin.

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