Hooded Man's Mystery

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A Week Before Hiruzen's Death

Obito was running through the Land of Water, on his way to the Hidden Mist Village. He had gotten some kind of distorted warning from the 3-tails. He wondered what could be going on but he knew to go check it out considering that someone(like he did) could be controlling Yagura. He knew it wasn't far fetched considering that Black Zetsu was the one who suggested it to him. And so whoever was doing his biding now he would most likely give him that same idea.

As he was running on water, he looked up seeing the Mist Village. He smirked before teleporting to the top of the Mizukage's Office. He then activated Kamui going down through each floor until he felt the Chakra of Yagura. He then ran the hall while suppressing his chakra levels. He ran to a closed door and used Kamui to peek his head through the door. Just enough so that he could see through it.

He saw a Hooded man in front of Yagura, looking over some papers. Obito came through the door before deactivating his Sharingan. He didn't want anyone's sees his face so he put a hooded cloak on himself. "Are you controlling the Mizukage?"

The Hooded Man turned in surprise. "Who are you?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Obito said rushing him.

"Tch, Yagura attack!" The Hooded Man commanded as he started to run away. Yagura got up to do what he was ordered but Obito activated Kamui, going through him and continuing his run at the Hooded Man.

The Man jumped out of the window, landing on the side of the largest castle before running up it. Obito followed with a Yagura following close behind him. "Water Style: Raging Waves." Yagura said, releasing a powerful jet of water from behind Obito.

Obito used Kamui again making the attack go through him and hit the Man. The hit made him start to fall down towards Obito; who started preparing a Rasengan in his hand. The Man performed the Ram hand seal, causing Yagura to go straight to version 2. Yagura then made a giant chakra arm and swung it at Obito. Obito was hit, knocking him into a Mountain.

The Man smirked before continuing to run up the castle. He then jumped up to a close Mountain before stopping Yagura from following him. He then continued to run through the heavy fog but was kicked in the stomach making him fly back.

"Did you think that would work?" Obito taunted coming from the heavy fog. "Don't think too lightly of me. It'll get you killed."

"I'm sorry to inform you but," The Man started as he slowly stood up. "You're completely surrounded." He finished as the thick fog cleared up revealing Yagura, Six Paths of Pain, and Konan. "Now, who are you?"

Obito didn't answer as he instead, activated his Mangekyō. He got into a stance not saying a word as he would pay attention to his surroundings. He didn't know this Hooded Man's abilities but he knew all of the others. He would use that to his advantage.

"You will die for messing with our plans." The Deva Path said in a serious manner.

"Those two right there are the ones who helped defeat Yagura." The 3-tails told Obito internally.

"Thanks for the info but I'll need to concentrate on this battle." Obito responded in a small mutter. "We'll talk another time." he said before releasing smoke bombs out of his hands. It released smoke everywhere in the area. He jumped high in the air, enough to be able to react to anything thrown at him.

A bunch of Paper Shuriken was sent up at Obito; who deflected each one. Konan flew up to where he was and used some paper that she created from her hand to throw at Obito. He was about to deflect them but they didn't hit him and instead surrounded him. He saw—with his Sharingan—that the paper had explosive tags on them. He used Kamui to try and suck them into his dimension.

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