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That's...a lot to take in." Inoichi finally said after hearing from Shikaku. A bustling city reduced to rubble and ash when it wasn't even the time of war wasn't good at all. He hated when innocent civilians got involved in something they have nothing to do with. It was something that happened way too much for his liking.

"Yea, I know." Shikaku said. "Regardless, I need you to take care of Naruto and Sasuke? Bring Kakashi with you if necessary and tell one of the messengers to bring Obito Uchiha here."

"Got it." he replied with a nod then turned to the two youths. "Both of you can you come with me?" They nodded and left shortly afterward. Moments later Tsunade had gotten up off the floor.

"If that is all, we'll be leaving." she said, heading for the door.

"Tsunade stop right there." Shikaku said as he gave her a stern look.

She turned to face him, glaring at him. "Why should I?! I'm not one of your shinobi you can order around!"

"Calm down Tsunade!" Jiraiya yelled at her. "You're here because we need a Hokage. That was the reason all those people died."

"Don't put that on me!" she hissed. "I didn't ask you to come to me and bring me into this in the first place. You have plenty of shinobi that could take the lead but you come for someone who doesn't want to be a shinobi anymore! Then your fight brings down a town and kills everyone in it and you want to say I'm the reason! Are you all of of your minds?!"

"Tsunade-sama! Calm down!" Shizune yelled. Tsunade turned to her with a harsh glare, not backing down.

"No!" she yelled before breathing in harshly. "Forget this I'm going for a drink. Don't follow me." With that, she left the room, slamming the door behind her.

None of them seemed to notice a shadowy figure leave shortly after:


Obito was just getting into his fighting stance when Isobu started to talk, along with the other Tailed-Beast. "Obito-san! Kokuō has been captured!" Both Obito and Yagura were surprised at the information.

"Is he still there with you? Can he speak?" Obito asked.

"Yes. But you'll have to completely come into the mindscape. He's weak right now because of his Jinchuriki's condition." Matatabi answered. Obito nodded and turned to Yagura.

"Guess we'll have to take a rain check on our spar." His voice was of seriousness and urgency.

Yagura nodded, knowing why he was leaving. "Yea. I wish u could come with but I've got things to handle here. Though I will be inclined to get that spar when you come back. I won't forget."

Obito nodded. "Of course. I'll be back in a bit." With that, the Uchiha activated his Sharingan, feeling the usual pull of his body and chakra before completely disappearing. Yagura wondered how did he do that. It looked cool.

Obito opened his eyes to a white open space, surrounded by the nine Tailed-Beast. Though, Kokuō looked noticeably weaker. Obito regarded him silently before speaking. "Where are you now?" He asked.

"I don't know. But we're somewhere moist, full of water. That is all I can tell from my senses." Kokuō answered with a strained voice.

"Why didn't you say anything while the fight was happening? I could've intervened."

"Something cut off my communication. Almost like they knew something about what we are doing." Obito listened to what he said closely, filing that away in his head. Obito decided to tell him the truth.

Obito's Redemption Story (CURRENTLY EDITING FIRST 15 CHAPTERS OR SO.) SEQUEL OUTWhere stories live. Discover now