Chapter 1

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Amara didn't like the idea of us moving but once the curse broke, dad decided we were going to move as far away from Storybrooke. He didn't want Grace and her involvement in the danger. So he chose to move us to Beacon Hills, California. It was a very long journey. Everything was almost unpacked. The house was much smaller than the one in Storybrooke but I still liked it. Tomorrow would the first day of school for her and her sister. She hoped that it wouldn't be too bad meeting new people. She was currently picking her outfit for tomorrow when she heard a knock on the door.
"Come in." She says

Jefferson opened the door and walks in. "Hey. How are you feeling about tomorrow?"

"Nervous." She answers and looks at him

He nods slightly. "I know you weren't exactly happy about moving but thanks for having about a good attitude about it."

"I know you did it because you wanted us safe. I just wish we didn't have to leave everything we ever knew behind." She said

"Well, we can make new memories here." He said

Amara nods. "Yeah, I guess so." She says.

"Grace and I will probably be out of the house by the time you're ready. Since I have to sign some papers for her."

"Okay and I'm picking her up after school right?"

"Yes." He hugs her and kisses her on the cheek. "Have a good day tomorrow."

She smiles. "Thanks. Good night." She said

"Night," Jefferson said and walks out of her room.
Amara looks back at her outfit for tomorrow. She nods in approval and then goes to the bathroom to do her nightly routine. When she came out she saw Grace sitting on her bed.
"Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" Amara asked

"I wanted to say good night," Grace said

Amara smiles and hugs her. "Night. Be yourself. I know you're going to do great tomorrow." She said

"Thanks. You will too."Grace said and hugs her back

Amara pulls away. "Now off to bed." She said and watched as Grace left her room. She closes the door and then sat on her bed looking around the room. It was smaller compared to her old room. She didn't finish putting up all of her decors yet. She lays down and pulls her phone out. She scrolled through it for about an hour before she puts it at her bedside. She turns off the light and closed her eyes, falling asleep.

The next morning she woke up for school. She got ready and put on the outfit that she picked last night. She walked downstairs and saw that her dad and sister were gone just like he said he would. She poured herself a bowl of cereal and added like. She sat down at the table and ate her breakfast as she listened to music. When she finished she put her dishes in the sink. She put on her sneakers and a jacket. She grabbed her bag for school and walked out of the house. She locked the door and gets in her car. She started driving to school trying to remember how to get there since she only practiced driving there once since they moved there. She drove to the school and parked in the lot. She got out of the car and started walking inside the school building. As she did she heard two guys talking something about a liver and shakes her head, wondering how weird the people at this school are. She goes to the office and speaks to the lady there.

"Good morning. Today's my first day. My name is Amara Hart." She said. She bites her lip thinking how weird that sounded. Her dad thought it would be a good idea to change their last name in this new town so people won't be suspicious.

The lady hands her a folder filled with all of her information. "There you go. Have a good day."The lady said

"Thank you," Amara said and looks down at the papers as she walked out of the office. She crashed into someone the papers falling out of her hand.

"I'm sorry."The voice said

She looked up to see a tall guy with brownish blonde hair and blue eyes. She noticed he had a black eye and was wearing a jersey as he held lacrosse gear. She assumed that's how he got his black eye.

"It's ok." She said as she pick up the papers

"Well, I have to go. I'm late to practice. Sorry again." The boy said before rushing off

Amara watches as he left. She looks back down at her papers, specifically her schedule. She saw she had English first. So that's where she went. About an hour later she had chemistry. Her first class didn't go too bad. The teacher introduced her to class and then went on with everything like a normal lesson which she liked because she didn't want attention on her. When she walked into Chemistry the teacher was talking about a pop quiz. He noticed her walk in.
"I'm Mr.Harris. I assume you must be Miss. Hart. You still have to take the pop quiz to see what you know."
Amara nods her head. She takes the pop quiz from his hands and sat in an empty seat in the back. Mr. Harris didn't say anything about it so she assumed it was ok. She started taking the test. She didn't pay attention to the other students until she heard the same two boys from before talking about someone taking a body part. The paler one with very short hair had the last name Stilinski and the one with tanner skin had the last name, McCall. She found both of the boys very weird. She shook her head and paid attention back to her test.

The bell ring later and the class was over. She walked out of class and looks down at her locker info. She walks over to her locker which lucky she found easily. She opens it and puts some of her belongings in it. She saw two girls standing two lockers down from her and heard them whispering about a girl across them. The girl had raven hair and Amara could tell the girl was clearly uncomfortable. She shuts her locker and walked over to the girl.

"Hi, I'm Amara. I'm new here." She said trying to distract the girl from the whispers.

"Hi, I'm Allison." She said and smiles at her.
"Nice to meet you," Amara said and heard the girls still whispering.

"It's nice to meet you too. I hope to see you around so we can become friends but I have to go right now." Allison said and hurried off, trying to get away from the two girls

Amara watches her and then rolls her eyes at the two girls. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. She was hoping to maybe sit with Allison at lunch or even the boy she had bumped into since he seemed nice to her. But she didn't see them when she had lunch so she sat by herself. Amara was glad to get out of the school building and be finished with her first day. It had been boring. Little did she know it would soon become the opposite.

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