Chapter 18

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Amara got up from the bed a few minutes later. She walked to the bathroom wanting to take a shower. She grabbed a washcloth and a towel. She scrunches up her face. It reeked of cigarettes. She shakes her head and puts it back down. She shakes her head and walked out of the room. She started heading to the lobby for new towels.

Amara got to the lobby. The owners weren't there. She looked around and saw the sign with the number of suicides. She shakes her head. There it is. The morbid sign with 201 suicides, She thought to herself.

Amara glanced at the sign again and furrowed her eyebrows. 201 suicides? Wait Lydia said 198.

Amara took out her phone. She nervously searched for Lydia's contact. She was in complete shock by the number that she could barely do that. Her finger slept fumbling and pressing the wrong buttons. She snapped a picture of it and sent it to Lydia. A few minutes later Lydia and Allison came down.  They both looked at the sign.

"I swear that said 198," Lydia said

"So does that mean three suicides have happened?"Allison asked

"Or three might happen soon," Amara says

They went back to Lydia and Allison's room to discuss more. Lydia had also texted Stiles to come.

"Last time I saw Scott act like that was during the full moon," Allison said

"Yeah, I know. He was definitely a little off with me too, but actually, it was Boyd who was really off. I watched him put his fist through the vending machine."Stiles told them

"See, it is the motel. Either we need to get out of here right now, or... someone needs to learn how to do an exorcism asap before the werewolves go crazy and kill us." Lydia spoke

"Okay, just hold on, all right? What if it's not just the motel? The number in the office went up by three, right? "Stiles proposes

"You mean like three sacrifices?"Allison asked

"What if this time it's three werewolves?"Stiles suggested

"Scott, Isaac, and Boyd," Amara mumbles

"Maybe we were meant to come here," He  said

"Exactly! So can we get the hell out of here now? Please?"Lydia says

"We should leave," Amara agreed.

"Wait, hold on," Stiles said and picked up a bible that was on the table. He opened it. The four of them crowded around and saw that there was a newspaper article on a suicide that happened in this very room. There were actually multiple articles like that in the bible.

"That's a beautiful thing. Most places leave a mint under the pillow. This one leaves a record of all the horrible deaths that occurred." She heard Stiles say

Amara shakes her head, thinking about Issac as she looked at the articles. She couldn't lose him. She won't lose him. "I'm  going to look for Issac... and Boyd."She added in the last second before leaving the three of them in room

Amar walked down the hall desperately trying to search for Issac and Boyd's room, knowing they were rooming together for the night. The worst thoughts coming to her mind as she walked down the hall.

They're already dead. Issac died hating you. You'll never make it in time. It's too late. You can't save them. You won't save them.

Amara screamed in frustration and felt her breathing quickened. She closes her eyes and shakes her head, trying to calm herself down and push out those negative thoughts. She stops walking and takes deep breaths, to get her heart rate down. She says affirmations to herself.

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