Chapter 15

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Over the summer Amara decided that she would join a club or a sports team. She had chosen cross country. Her main reason for joining was that she knew if you were on the lacrosse team, you have to join cross country which meant Issac would also be on the team. She found herself exercising and going on runs to get in shape.

Amara walked down the hallways to the locker room and she saw Stiles and Scott heading the same way. Stiles looked very distressed.

"What's is Stiles freaking out about?" She says as she walked up to them

"There are virgin sacrifices. Ok and guess what I'm a virgin."Stiles said

Amara rolls her eyes. There had been three murders over the past few days. They were all virgins and had the same injures; strangled, throat slashed and head bashed in. According to Stiles, it was something called a threefold death. "Stiles we don't know if these "sacrifices" are even sacrifices. Plus I'm a virgin and I'm not freaking out."

"Wait you're a virgin? But you're a  p-pre...never mind. Are you not worried? you know we can help each other out. So we won't be possible victims." Stiles said nervously

Amara shakes her head. She knew he wasn't actually trying to hit on her and he was just being Stiles. "Stiles I have a boyfriend so no. And even if I didn't it would still be no."

"You do realize that we can die because of the lack of sexual experience we had," Stiles said

"You do realize that it's a chance that this isn't even sacrifices and you're overreacting. If we continue this conversation I'll probably lose brain cells so I'm going to go," Amara said before walking into the girl's locker room as Scott and Stiles walked into the boy's locker room

Amara changed into sweatpants and a tank top. She put her clothes in her bag and put her bag in her locker. Her hair was now in a ponytail. She walked out of the locker room and saw Issac.

"Hey." She said

"Hi."He said, wrapping his arms around her shoulder.

They started walking out to the forest where the cross country practice was held.

Amara stood next to Issac as he tied his shoes. Suddenly two boys, twins walked past them with a smirk on their face. Amara raises her eyebrow in confusion. She had looked at Issac who was glaring at them as he stood up.

Scott came up to them. "Issac?"He asked worried

Coach blew the whistle and everyone started running.

"It's them," Issac said before running after them

"What's he talking about?"

"The twins they're alphas. They're  Apart of the alpha pack." Scott said before running to stop Issac

Amara shakes her head and started to run. She didn't try to catch up to them, knowing that she couldn't and that Scott will handle it. She kept a good pace.

"You're pretty good." A girl with ginger hair said next to her

"Thanks. I'm Amara"

"I'm Natalie, a senior. So do you want to be a part of the cross country team?"

Amara nods her head. "Yea."

"Cool," Natalie said

Amara smiled. Suddenly there was a scream. Natalie and Amara looked at each other before walking to it. The rest of the class did the same. A boy was hanging from the tree. It was the same injuries as all the other killings; strangled, throat slashed and head bashed in. She felt squeamish looking at the boy

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