Chapter 35

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Amara stared at her and shakes her head. There's no way she could be here. She's dead.

"I've officially lost my mind." She said as the doorbell rang.

"Go on. Get your pizza then we'll talk."Erica tells her

Amara bites her lip and kept her eyes on Erica until she was in the hallway. She goes downstairs and opens the door. She paid for the pizza. "Grace food is here!" She shouted, putting the pizza box on the table.

Amara didn't even bother grabbing a slice, her appetite was now gone. She went back upstairs and sees Erica going through her things. She closes her bedroom door.

"What the hell are you?" She asked confused

Erica turns to look at her. "Your best friend of course. By the way that was a sweet message, you said at my grave. Almost made me tear up."

Amara didn't tell anyone about going to Erica's grave. Only Erica would know about that but that didn't convince her if this was Erica.

"If it's you then tell me how the hell you are here?"

"You died and came back to life. You left your mind vulnerable and a door to it ajar. The same thing happened to Scott, Stiles, and Allison. That's why they've all been seeing things."

"So then why is it just starting for me? And for them, it was more of visions and nightmares. You seem to actually be here somehow."Amara questions

"That's a story for another time. You'll understand. But I'm here because you're an absolute mess."

"Thanks for stating the obvious."

"I know you grew up in a fairytale world but life isn't all butterflies and happy endings. This is the real world."

"I've known the world isn't butterflies and sunshine ever since I was 4 and my mom died." She snapped

"You aren't the only one who goes through pain. Everyone does. And you need to stop letting it control you and make you lose yourself."Erica told her

"Ugh, why are you being so snarky?"Her voice was almost a scream.

"Well clearly comforting you doesn't work. So maybe tough love will." She said. Erica looks at her and sighs. She softened her voice. "Everyone has told you that you're a great person. They believe in you. Why can't you believe in yourself?"

"I- I just feel like I need to do better. Be better."

"Well, you're right. You do need to do better. Cause this you right now isn't the girl I became friends with." Erica says

Amara sniffles. "Well, what do you want me to do about it?"

"I want to see you shine like I know you can. I want you to get through this pain and be the badass I know you can be."

"Are you okay?"Amara asked after a moment of silence between them.

Erica shrugs. "I'm dead. I can't get hurt."

"That didn't answer my question."

Erica looks at her. "I'm okay. I'm with Boyd. He sends his love."

Amara shakes her head. "You shouldn't have died. You had your whole life ahead of you."

" I am dead. There's nothing you can do except to move on and live your life."

Amara stayed quiet and looks down knowing she was right. Neither of them talked for a while.

"So you and Issac? I thought you two would be oblivious forever."Erica said breaking the silence between them

Amara shakes her head and rolls her eyes but couldn't hide the smile forming on her face.

"I know you two will work it out in the end. But I just want to know is he good like you know in..."

Amara scrunched up her face. "Please don't finish that sentence. You're unbelievable."

"I'm just proud that I played matchmaker."Erica chuckles

"You didn't not. I met him on my own."

"Yes, but I was the one who told him to talk to you. He was nervous. But I told him to go for it. So you have me to think."

Amara rolls her eyes jokingly. "Whatever." But she thought about when she first knew Issac. She never remembered him being nervous in the beginning with her. Or maybe she just never noticed it.

Erica goes over to her closet and pulls out her black leather jacket.

"You know if you wear this more it could help you. You'll gain a whole lot of confidence."

Amara went over at her. "I'm pretty sure it was the bite that did that for you."

She shrugs. "A bit of both. But still, wear it more. I would hate to see a good leather jacket collect dust in a closet."Erica says and hands it to her

Amara hesitates before putting on the jacket. She looks at herself in the mirror. Erica stood behind her. A smile appeared on her face.

"There's she goes. That's my best friend. The one who I'll always love."

Amara smiles. "Thanks for everything." She said

Erica nods. "As much as I love to stay. I have to go. I hope that you grow and become your best you. "

"I will." She promised and shakes her head. "I don't want you to leave."

"Don't worry we'll be watching over you as we have been," Erica said

We? Boyd and her I guess. "Goodbye, Erica."

"Bye." She said and was about to disappear before she looks at her one more time. "One more thing. I know you felt guilty about not telling me about your secret. And the guilt has been bothering you. But don't worry it's okay. I forgive you."Erica said

Amara watched as Erica disappeared from her eyes. She was no longer there in her room. She didn't know when's the next time she'll see her or if she'll ever see her again. But one thing for sure she was going to do her best to keep her promise.

Hey everyone. Sorry for the shorter chapter than usual but next chapter we will be back to the usual anyways. I know there might be some confusion on how Erica was there but that'll be explained later. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a good day/night


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