Chapter 5

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As Amara walked down the school hallways the next day as she thought about what she saw last night. She could barely sleep and she kept thinking about what she saw on the roof.  She wondered what it was. Amara thought about confronting her friends. Deep down she knew that she was absolutely terrible at confirmation. She was perfectly ok at giving advice about confirmation but she had trouble taking her own advice. She walked around the halls. It was oddly quiet. She hadn't seen Boyd or Erica today. so she couldn't ask them.

Amara had been lost in her thoughts when she felt herself bump into someone.  She groans and picked up her book that dropped.

Amara looked up seeing the person she bumped into was Issac. "This is the second time this has happened darling." He said. Even though he had purposely walked into her since he wanted to talk to her and didn't know how else to start a conversation.

She shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "Darling seriously?" She says

"So can I come over and we do some work? Maybe I get to tell you about why I was gone."He asked

"No. I have to pick up my little sister from school." She said

Isaac shrugs. "I don't mind." He said

Amara looks at him. "Why do you care so much if I know? You barely even know me. I barely know you." She said

"Well, that's the point.  You're new and unlike the rest of the people in this town and even this school you actually notice."

"Well to be fair it's hard to not notice someone you bump into"

Issac chuckles slightly. "True but you were never rude about it. I just want to get to know you. I'm sure you noticed that I don't have many friends." He said

Amara looks at him for a while and nods her head. "Okay fine." She agreed. She could find out more about him as he wanted and she could find out about what was going on last night.  Amara saw it as a win-win. Amara smiles. "I'll see you at the end of the day."

"Or we can just leave now," Issac said with a smirk

Amara looks at him with amusement and shakes her head. "I'm not skipping class with you, Issac." She said.

"it's only one class left." He said

Amara just started walking to her last class. "Goodbye, Issac." She called out as she left

Issac watches as she left. He shakes his head with a smile before walking down the hall.

Once school was over Amara walked over to her car find Issac already there,  leaning on it. 

Amara just shakes her head, unlocking the door and getting in. "How did you even know this was my car?" She asked

"I saw you get in it before." He lied. In reality, he knew it was her's because of her scent.

"Stalker much?" She says as she started to pull out of the parking lot and drove to her sister's school. 

"Nope, not at all darling."

Amara rolls her eyes. "You do know I have a name right?"

"I know. It's a very pretty name too."

"And now your flirting." She says shaking her head

"That was a compliment. You should say thank you."

"You're right I should but I won't," Amara said and smirk as she pulled into Grace's school parking lot.
Amara got out of the car and watched as Grace started walking out of the school and over to her. Amara made sure Grace got in the car before she got into the driver's seat. She put her seatbelt on and made sure Grace was buckled in before driving out of the school parking lot.
"Grace this is  Issac. Issac this is my little sister Grace."

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