Chapter 22

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Issac watched as the recital was happening but all he could think about was why Amara was taking so long to come inside. He shakes his head and left the room. He went outside of the school. He looked around and saw her phone on the ground. He picks it up and dusts it off. He looked around the parking lot seeing her car still there. He couldn't smell her scent either. There was suddenly a scream and Issac covered his ears in pain. The scream didn't sound like Amara at all to him but he went back inside the school, to find where it came from, hoping he was maybe wrong. As Issac walked in the room as Allison was walking out with Lydia. He looked seeing Scott wolfed out and Stiles. The window was broken and the classroom was a mess.

"What happened?"He asked

"Ms.Blake is the Darach. She took...she took my dad."Stiles answered

"Well, then there's more bad news. Amara is missing and Ms.Blake probably took her too."

Scott transformed back to his human self. "What do you mean she's missing?"

"She's not outside. Her phone was on the ground and her car is still here." Issac said and ran his hand through his hair frustrated

"Does that mean Ms. Blake took her?" Scott asked

"Who else would've taken her?"Issac says

"Maybe the queen of hearts."Stiles joked

Everyone just stared at Stiles annoyed.

"You get it cause she's the daughter of the mad hatter. You know what never mind." He said

"We need to find her, "Issac says

"We will," Scott reassured. "Let's go to Derek's and let him know."

The three of them walked out of the school and to Stiles car and got in. Stiles started driving.

Issac felt Amara's phone ring. He answered the phone seeing it was her dad.


"Uh no, it's Issac."

"Where's my daughter? She was on the phone with me. I had heard her scream and she just stopped talking during the middle of our conversation."

"Well uh, that was my fault. I scared her." He lied

"I want to speak to her."

"I can't because she's sleeping and needs rest.

"Where? Her car is here at the school."

"Uh at a friend's house. Look I promise she's fine. I have to go bye."He said and quickly hangs up

Issac looks and sees Stiles and Scott looking back at him. "What?"

"You're a bad liar. Plus don't you think you should tell your girlfriend's dad she's missing."Stiles said

"Shut up and drive."
Amara groans and opens her eyes slowly, gaining back consciousness. She tried to move but was held back. She looks around and realized she was tied to a chair. She looks around the room trying to assess the situation. The only light in the room was coming from a candle in the corner of the room. She listened.  Her eyes finally landed on Ms.Blake

"What the hell? Let me go."

"Why did you take me?"

"I need power." She answers. "Do you know why I'm doing all of this?"

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