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Author pov:

Mic and Aizawa are on their way back Home after the Parents and Teacher Konferenz. The Conference has ended About 2 Hours ago, but they stayed longer so they could finish Paperwork the hadn't done.

'THat was interesting, wasn't it Sho?' Present Mic said to his Husband. 'Yeah, sure whatever.' He replied. 'Sho is something wrong, is there something bothering you? ' Mic began to worry About Shota he wasn't one to talk much, but when he is just with Mic he is usually way more talkative.

'It is just the way Denkis Father reacted when we told him that he was failing most of his classes.' Aizawa stated. 'Why how did he react?' Mic didn't know what Shota was talking About he hadn't seen anything suspicious About Denkis Father.

'Haven't you seen the way he looked when we told him, it was just for a Second but still. He looked so Angry.' Aizawa said with worry in his Voice. You may think he doesn't care About his Students but he really does care.

'Yeah maybe he looked Angry but you would be Angry too if somebody told you that your child was failing all his Classes.' Hizashi tried calming his Husband down because he knew Aizawa wouldn't Sleep if he believed something was wrong with one of his students.

There was an awkward silence between the two. They just continued Walking. They normally took the Bus but since it was a nice night they decided to walk back. On their way, they came through a nice Neighborhood. 'Wow, I think this is a street for the better People isn't it, Sota?' Mic asked still trying to distract Aizawa from his worry About a Student.

'Hm? Yeah sure.' He said. ' Wait who is that?' Aizawa asked as he saw a blonde Boy exiting a House that Looks like it didn't deserve to be standing here. I didn't look poor or something it just wasn't as decorated as the other Houses.

'Is that Kaminari?' Present Mic said while trying to find out if he was seeing Right. 'I think so, zashi' Shota said.

Aizawa pov:

So this is where this Boy lives? I thought. He came in our Direction at first he didn't even see us. He looked nervous but was trying to act cool. 'Hey listener!' I heard Mic scream before I could even think About getting his Attention.

'He looked up really surprised. 'H-hello?' He said. 'What are you doing out here Kaminari it is ten o Clock. You should be fast asleep by now.' I said. Was he just going to a sleepover with the so-called Bakusquad or what was he going to do? He has a Bag with him so he is probably sleeping at one of their Houses.

'Uhm well- I am going to a Sleepover.' He said. 'If you excuse me I am going to be late1' He said while starting to run. Something tells me that there was no Sleepover. I think he is lying. I am just going to ask the Class tomorrow.

Denki pov:

Phew, that was close. If they find out that I am going to work at Night they would probably ask my so-called 'Father' About it. And you know what that would mean, a beating. Well, it isn't like I don't get beaten every day but if the Teachers get suspicious and he finds out About it I am dead.

I know that is what is going to happen. The one time I told a Teacher About a beating was in 5 grade. She called my Father to ask About the 'Ouchies' as I called them back then. The Moment I came home that day he started to beat me until I couldn't move anymore. He also told me if I would tell anyone About our Little "Game" as he calls it, he will make sure that I am dead.

I just said I was on a Sleepover because it seems believable. I mean I am just the stupid Kid, from 1A, that electrocutes himself every day. I am worthless and I know it. I was nervous when I got out of the House because I just have gotten a Beating from my "Father". I put concealer onto the Bruise that was going to form. The Restaurant where I work Thinks I just get in Fights since they know I am a UA Student. It was true we fight often but that isn't where These Bruises come from.

Because of the Bruises, I am not allowed as a waiter. I am in the Back helping wherever I can. I bring the Cooks the Ingredients, I throw away the Rests of the Food clean the Dishes and do whatever There is. I get paid enough to live with it since my Father is drunk the whole time he doesn't have a job. Most of the Money I make do I Need to Pay the Bills. That's Right if I didn't pay them we would've been Homeless for a While now.

I sped up so I could be there before the Restaurant opens. 'Hello Denki, how are you today?' The nice Waitress asked. 'I'm good how' bout you?' I said. Of Course, I would never tell anybody how I really feel, but Isn't that what we all Reply to when someone asks us how we are?

My shift goes till 1 am so I am Always tired when in School. I cover it up with Happiness. People in my Class have enough to worry About they don't Need to know About my Little Problems.

When I finished I went home and tried to Sleep but as usual, my Quirk wouldn't let me.

So welcome to this first chapter of my Book I don't know when I am going to continue. It will be unregular but I try and upload one chapter a week.

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