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Shinsou pov:

After my Dad let me go I sat at the Sidewalk and waited for Denki to come Home. This was embarassing. Then I saw a blond Boy from afar. I laid down and pretended to have hurt my Leg.

I laid so that he would see me. I began to scream so he would notice me. His head shot up and when he saw me he had a worried look on his Face. Bingo.

'OMG, Kitty are you okay?!' I just continued to scream. He picked me up. 'Sh, I can't bring you into the House if you're Screaming like this. Father would hear you' I stopped Screaming. He for sure was suprised that it worked. But I didn't understand what would be wrong if he brought a Cat into the House. Mabye his Dad doesn't like Cats. I didn't think of it to much.

Denki put his Jacket over me so that it looked like the Jacket was formed to a Ball. He went into the House and tried to be as quiet as possible. His Dad was probably asleep or something like that.

While we were Walking upstairs I thought About how his Room must look. It was probably full of Pickachu merch or something like that. Oh Boy was I wrong

'So sweetie here we are this is my Room.' Whith that he opened the Door. There was Nothing but a Bed and an old Looking Closet. It was plain there where no Posters or just generall Pictures. Everything was Grey. It looked like a Prisoncell not a Bedroom of a Teenager.

Mabye he just didn't want it different. Even if I didn't really believe myself. I kept telling myself that this was Nothing to worry About. He put me on his Bed where I laid down instantly.

'I'm glad you like it Kitty' But he didn't smile while saying it. I looked like he was happy but he just...didn't have the Power to smile. 'So what Time is it?' He pulled his Phone out. His facial Expression changeg as sonn as he saw the Time. 'Oh no I only have half an Hour for Homework. Then I Need to leave.'

Why would he Need to leave? Didn't Dad gave them like an 15 page Essay to write? He isn't going to make it. I felt bad for the Blonde he obviously needed to go somewhere. And it didn't seem like he could do it on another Day.

Denki pov:

I tried to finish the essay but i only got the first 5 pages. I knew I was going to get detention but I hadn't have enough time to think abiut it. I saw that it was alredy time to go to work.

I got up and put everything in my backpack. Then i went over to the cat I picked up from the streets earlier. 'hey Kitty, I'm going to work now try not to be loud ok.' I didn't know if the cat understood me but I just hoped that she didn't make a mess out of my Room or eveb worse wake up dad.

If Dad wakes up the Cat is dead. Literally, she wouldn't make it out alive.

I noticed that I was staring at the Cat when he got up and scrached me to get me out of my Trance.

'oh sorry kitty, I have to go kitten' I said before getting my bag out where my work clothes are. Then I sneaked out of the house without my father noticing.

Shinsou pov

I watch Denki going ouz the door. He goes to work? But why? Shouldn't his father bring money. He should not be working at this age. Well ge can but not at this Time.

I feelt bad for Denki. There clearly was something wrong with him. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

I knew that I now had atleast one thing that needs to be changed when I turn back. I hope this is the only thing wrong.

Mabey his dad can't work because... Because... He is hurt. Yes that must be the Problem. I knew there was more to the story but I just didn't want to have it true.

I like the blonde boy even if he was kind of dumb sometimes, I wouldn't say love but I am sure it's gonna turn in a big Crush soon.

I sat at his Bed waiting for him to come back. I waited and waited but he didn't come.

Then finally the Door opened and a tired looking Blonde came in. I looked at the Clock. It was...

Because my Italian teacher will start class now.

sad denki (completed, Well Kind Of)Where stories live. Discover now