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Denki pov:

I opened the Door and immediately got slammed into the wall. It hurts but it was nothing I wasn't used to.

"There you are you worthless fag. I need Money so give me everything you have saved" He screamed at me. I sighed. I don't have any Money left.

" Bu-But I don't have any Money" I stammered while trying to get out of his Grasp. "lets hope that you're not lying otherwise..." He trailed off. I mentally prepared for what was coming.

He slapped me. I probably have a Handprint now. How am I gonna cover that up!?

"Understood?" He said while letting me fall. Seems like I didn't respond the first Time he asked this Question. I landed face first on the Floor.

"yes, I understand" I said. I didn't get up because he could take that as a Signal for me trying to stand up against him.

He then proceded to kick me. He kicked me into my Stomach wich made me instantly curl up into myself. He then kicked against my Shin. It hurt so much but it wasn't gonna last Long. I was actually happy for getting beat so often. I don't feel much Pain anymore.

I just laid there while he abused me. At the End he threw an empty Beer Bottle at me but to my Luck it didn't hit me.

"now, go to you're Room you worthless fag" He said while walking into the Living room.

After I made sure that he was gone I stood up and went into my Room. When I arrived at the Rop of the Stairs. I saw the Cat sitting there looking petrified.

I quickly picked him up and run into my Room. I stroked its fur.

Shinsou pov:

I heard weird noices from outside so I decided to find out whats Happening. I saw Denki getting beat up by his Father. It was terifying. I couldn't move. Suddenly I felt someone pick me up.

Huh? when did he got up here. He took me back into his Room and started Petting me. It actually calmed me down. We sat there on his Bed for awihle. He didn't say anything. He let his Mind wander and I didn't mind that. It gave me Time to think About what just happened.

Then suddenly he started Talking again.

"Sorry you had to see this Kitty..." He suddenly said. He started crying. Why the fuck is he crying now like when he got beat and all but why now?

"Im such a fuck up, dads Right I am worthless. I cant even controll my Quirk." Poor Denki said. I snuggled into him as an Atempt to give him Comfort.

"Would you mind if I talk to You About my Problems? You probaby would be annoyed wouldn't you?" He asked. I turned my Head so I could see him. I hoped he understood what I was trying to say.

His Face lit up. "I know you probably just did that by Acident but ill take what I can get" He said smiling. This seemed like a genuine Smile, like he was actually happy Right now. I was happy that I could help him.

I changed my Position into a more comfortable one and then waited for him to start telling me things.

He told me About the Abuse, I already knew that. His ADHD, I didn't knew that but it was expected. He also said something About only having a free Day from Work on Fridays, wich is today so that made me happy for him he could get atleast a Little bit off Sleep but then? Then at some point he got to Crushes. Yes you heard me Right. Crushes.

I was intersested in knowing the elecric Boys Crush but just as he was About to tell me something unecpected happened.

"Well I really like- oh my God sorry kitty I'm probably annoying you Right now, you don't have to sit here and pretend to be interested in the dumb Things I'm saying. You can Always leave when you want." He said starting to ramble even more.

"Oh shit I was rambling again wasn't I?" He said but there was a wierd Tone in his Voice that I couldn't really identify.

He rubbed my Head against the Palm of his Hand. He relaxed a bit more. He was still tense as if he waited for me to say something to him. Like he would cry if he relaxed.

"Y-You know if...if you were a- a normal Human being then" He trailed of. I gently nudged him so he would continue. He sighed. "Then you would probably tell me how dumb I am and that I should just stop Talking" He started to cry again.

Why would someone tell him that hes dumb? I mean, yeah his Quirk makes him shortcuts and he does look dumb then and he isn't good at School. But the first one has Nothing to say About being dumb or not and the Second one? Yeah mabye it could mean that someone is 'dumb' but it isnt even his Fault.

Im Feeling so bad for him Right now. But I can't do anything About it either. The only Thing I can do Right now is to wait for the Quirk to wear of. Denki is going to be so embarassed that he told me all of These Thing but he also will be happy About it.

I knew he didn't tell me everything but I just hoped we would come to that at some Point. I really liked Talking to Denki, even if he's weird some Times. I like it. Being different is better than being normal.

I heard him shift around in Bed. I wonder what hes doing now. Then I remembered. He can't just go to Sleep withou taking off his Uniform. Denki sighed one more Time before getting up to get changed. He came back in a Plain White T-Shirt and Shorts. He then laid down in Bed. I was happy he couldn't see my Face because I wa blushing like crazy.

After that we both went to Sleep. Denki fell asleep within a Second but I just couldn't get the Picture of Denki out of my Head.

He looked hot to be honest. Of Course in a Bro way. Im not gay! You are!

To all the Authors out there does it happen to you too that you want to continue a Story and you want to write something but can't remember if you already told that or if you alrady wrote something different so you Need to read your Story again?

Like when I wrote About Denki telling him something I almost spoiled it and we don't want that now do we?

sad denki (completed, Well Kind Of)Where stories live. Discover now