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I got a "very good" at the exam so now you get the next part. 😌

Denki pov:
I woke up in the morning. Feeling something lying beside me. It felt warm and fluffy.
I opened my eyes to see the cat asleep next to me.

It was sooo fricking cute. That moment I remembered that it is Saturday which means I can stay in bed the whole day. Because that is the day where my father goes to a random bar with his friends.

I looked at my phone to see that it was already 10 am. I decided to stay in bed for another hour before getting up to finish my essay.

I suddenly felt a movement next to me. I looked down to see that it was the cat waking up.

"oh good morning. Kitty. How about I give you something to eat?"  I asked. Thus seemed to spike the cat's interest.

I got up and opened the door. I didn't hear anything. So I guessed my father already left for the bar.

The cat went down behind me. When I arrived in the kitchen I saw that we didn't have much food left.

I found some milk and gave it to the cat. "sorry kitty that's all I have right now. I will go get the groceries once I get my paycheck" I told the cat.

After he finished we went back up to my room. I pulled out my essay and finished it within an hour.

After that, I went into the shower. I still had blood from yesterday in my hair but it wasn't something serious.

After my shower, I went back into the room and saw the cat sleeping on the bed. It was just so cute and fluffy.

I was tired so I decided to go back to sleep. My alarm went off two hours later. I got up and got ready for my job.

I was getting my paycheck today. That means I can pay the bills and go grocery shopping.

The cat was already awake. (i accidentally wrote "the cat is open" like wtf) "hey kitty, good afternoon"
I said.

I finished getting dressed and brushed my hair with a half-destroyed brush. My father destroyed it a few years ago but it works perfectly fine.

After I was ready I exited the house making sure the cat couldn't go out of the room. I knew my father wouldn't come back till 5 in the morning but you can never be sure.

I didn't care if he hit me but if he would hurt the poor thing I wouldn't forgive myself. I deserved it. But the cat didn't do anything wrong.

It's not like it's spying on me or something.

Timeskip till he finished work because I'm too lazy

Shinsou pov

I waited for Denki to come back from work. It was really quiet in the House. I wasn't used to that. At home either pops or eri would be screaming around.

Sure it was nice but I also didn't know what would happen if his Dad found me...

I hoped the week would go by really fast.

Suddenly I heard the door open. From how it sounded it was Denki.

Then the door was unlocked. And the electric boy looked into the room. "hey kittyyy" he said happily.

I have no idea how he does it. I could never pretend to be happy with all these things happening to him.

From what he told me he thinks really bad of himself.

He also said something about other people thinking he's dumb. And from what I saw until now he isn't that dumb.

He knows how to do taxes and how to pay the bill. Maybe he shouldn't but it can help him later.

He went to sleep as soon as he came home. Since then a few hours passed. It should be about 4 am now. I didn't get to sleep since I was scared that his father comes home and sees me.

I'm not sure if either of us would make it out alive.

Suddenly I heard the door open. At first, I didn't think much of it. But then I noticed how angry the steps sounded. I got scared and tried to wake Denki up.

After a few seconds, he woke up.
"huh? Kitty, what's wrong?" He asked rubbing his eyes. His eyes widened the moment he heard his Father.

He picked me up and shoved me under the Bed. He runs to the door trying to block it. But his father was stronger.

He shoved the door open and pulled him out by his Hair. Denki let out a blood-curdling scream.

I flinched when I heard his screams. I heard his father beat him. First, it was jut with his Hands but then he started to hit Denkis head to the Wall. I was scared that he would get a concussion.

What if he gets hurt too much. What if his father kills him? I started shaking in fear that his father would find me.

After half an hour that assh@le stopped beating up his son. After a while of hearing nothing, the Door opened and Denki came into the room. No not came. He crawled into the Room.

He crawled to his Desk and g9t out some bandages. And started wrapping them around his wounds.

I was glad that he was still able to do that.

After that, he went to Bed. I jumped on it and he started petting me. It felt good. And calmed me down from what happened before.

After a while he fell asleep, cuddling me. I decided to go to sleep as well.

But it bothered me how easily he just wrapped his wounds. He didn't make a sound he didn't even cry. He just sat there kind of emotionless.

I felt bad for him. I really did.
I thought about him but then my thoughts about him changed completely. (😏) I tried to stop it but I just couldn't stop. And I'm terribly sorry for that Denki.

I'm sorry for not updating for so long. But since now I finish that exam and I only have one week of school left I can update more frequently.

But something different. Do any of you know Billy Eliot? The Book or the film.
We're currently watching it in English after reading the Book. I watched it at home so I thought why not write a new chapter. So yeah anyways I think it's a nice book.

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