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The village where I live if anyone wants to see^_^

So anywaysss I'm back. I am very sorry for taking so long but with having to help at home, babysitting my aunt's children (demons), playing the clarinet in our villages band, I haven't had the time to update.
Plus I didn't know what should happen in this chapter
But now. Have fun

Denki pov:
The next day I woke up. Again the cat laid on my stomach. I didn't mind but I was going to be late for school if I didn't push him away.

Even if the excuse "a cat slept on me" would've probably been accepted by Aizawa.

No one needed to know about the cat. If they did they would've wanted to see it and for that, they needed to come to my house what... Obviously would be a bad idea.

I picked the cat up softly trying to not wake him up. It seemed to work but then I fell out of my bed.

Great going idiot, now you woke the cat up.

Oh, you're still there?

Yes, I will never leave you alone. Pathetic dumbass

Damn I thought you were gone

I'm never going to go away. I'm a part of you
Anyways why don't you cut yourself before going to that hero school that's soon going to expel you~

Maybe... NO, I can't be late or they will expel me. Especially Aizawa he seems to hate me even more than all the others.

I ignored the 'I'm a part of you' Thing, I knew it was true but I didn't want to accept it. After that inner dialogue with myself, I got up from the floor to see the cat sitting in front of me. So I did wake him up. I knew it. I can't do anything right.

I realized that I was going to be late if I didn't hurry up.

I jumped up from my cold bedroom floor and went to change into my school uniform.

After that, I petted the cat one last time on the head before locking the door and running out. I noticed the hand the was coming for my throat Too late.

My father choked me Till I almost blacked out because I couldn't breathe. Suddenly he let go, I fell to the floor because my legs weren't strong enough to hold me up any longer. maybe ist because I haven't gotten enough sleep, the lack of nutrients or it is just because of the lack of Oxygen.

'Get up you waste of space' He screamed at me. I got up from the floor just to be pushed out the Front door a second later. 'Now go to school and I don't want to hear anything About you being late to class or I WILL kill you' He screamed the last parts. I scrambled up from the floor and ran as fast as I could, which wasn't very fast, to School.

Even If I would prefer to die, I can't, I Need to watch the cat I don't want it to end up on the streets once again. I arrived at UAs front gates Five minutes before the first class starts. I rushed through the Hallway. Suddenly someone gripped my arm really tight. my first instinct was to hit the Person but I Held back. I turned around being prepared to be hit but then I saw the pink hair. I relaxed. It was just Mina, she must've been late for school too.

'Heyy Kami, how you doing?' She asked me while smiling widely. I returned the smile and answered:' Good Mina, I'm Feeling fantastic!'

Then suddenly she started to drag me to class. 'Come one kami, we're gonna be late!!' She said to me while continuing to drag me. We started running to class while making jokes. The second we sat down on our seats, Aizawa came into the Classroom.

He told us that we had a free period since he was too tired to teach. But somehow I felt that there was more to it BUT I choose to ignore it because I'm way too tired myself.

At some point, I must've fallen asleep because I woke up to someone shaking me. It hurt but I tried not to react. 'Come on Kami, Present Mic should be here every second. I slowly opened my eyes. I was still tired but I knew I couldn't continue sleeping.

I had already Mailed present Mic my Essay so he should give it to me today. 'So class let's start with the Essays before we learn something About pronunciation.' He exclaimed.

'Did Kaminari even give you his Essay, or was he too lazy to?' Jirou suddenly asked. A few of my Classmates started to laugh. I slumped down on my desk in Frustration, but mic must've seen it because he said something about not bullying others.

she wasn't even bullying you just stating Facts ugly bitch

Oh for fuck sake leave me alone Please even just for one day!

Nope no can do Whore


I tried to ignore the Voice which...didn't really work but I managed to get through the rest of the Class.

Finally, it was the End of School. I was just making my way out of the Classroom alone since I was the last one to leave.

Out of nowhere, I was pulled into an empty bathroom. In front of me stood a few Boys who bully me sometimes. they started hitting me. At some point, one of them even used their Quirk which makes their Hand into cubes of Metal and they hit me in the stomach. After some point, they deemed it enough and left me there on the Floor, bloody and with Tears running over my face.

At some point, I mustered the strength to stand up and walk out of the door. But this time I didn't make my way to the Gates. This Time I went up to the Roof. After a few minutes and many stops, I arrive at the Roof.



Hey, so I know I should have written the next chapter sooner but my mental health wasn't that great and I also didn't have the time to write something so I'm very sorry.

I have an idea of what could happen next. Maybe he jumps, maybe he's getting Safed, who knows what exactly is gonna happen.

But! I had an Idea... What if they get dorms? Will his Father allow him? What will happen to shinsou? Are they gonna find out? Who knows. but I'm not sure if I should make them get Dorms, so I let you guys decide!

Anyways that's it. Bye

sad denki (completed, Well Kind Of)Where stories live. Discover now