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Yeah, so it is the start of summer break that means no School for 3 Months. That doesn't really mean more free time, basically, it means less. Since I live on a farm.  I have help on the field with the hay and the cows and everything. But I'm still gonna try to update every week.

Denki pov:

I woke up to something weird on my face. I opened my eyes to see Darkness. Then I realized that the Cat I laying ON MY FACE. I pushed it off and took a deep breath.

After I got enough Oxygen into my lungs I reached for my Phone. I showed that it was a Sunday morning. It was almost 11 am. which means his Father was either out or passed out on the Couch. I slowly got up, Feeling awful.

I was still hurt from the beating yesterday. But I was used to it by now so I could easily ignore it.

After I got dressed and brushed out my hair. I headed downstairs to make my father breakfast.

But it seemed like he wasn't home. I felt happy about that.

I walked around the house and cleaned up empty beer bottles, garbage, and just everything that shouldn't be there.

After that, it was already 1 pm. I haven't really eaten since Friday but that not a problem. That's normal for me it never was different.

Since it was Sunday today that meant that I was gonna get my paycheck today. I will be able to buy some food for the cat otherwise it will starve and that's not good.

I went up to my room to check on the cat. He was still asleep. He looked so fucking cute that I couldn't stop myself from walking over and picking him upppp.

His fur was really soft and fluffy. I petted him for god knows how long till he woke up.

At first, he jumped away from me but as soon as he recognized me, he came back and climbed onto my shoulders. He laid there like a scarf and the warmth was very comforting.

"good morning kitty, how did you sleep" I got a soft purring as an answer.

"I'm guessing you slept well?" I laughed but stopped when I felt my ribs hurt. It wasn't broken I know how that would feel it's probably just a little bit bruised. Nothing to worry about.

The cat jumped off me and I remembered a book that Mr. Aizawa gave us to read.

I tried to remember where I put it. After a while, I found it in my backpack. What a surprise...

I didn't let the bad thoughts consume me and went over to my bed and started to read.

Well... I tried to read but the words just didn't make any sense. I guess my dyslexia is being a bitch today.

I got frustrated and threw the book onto the wall. Luckily it didn't leave any damage.

But it startled the cat. And he fell off the bed and landed on his feet.

"Oh shit sorry. I just got really frustrated by not being able to read this dumb book" I picked him up and set him back down on the bed.

I got up to pick the book up from the floor. I sighed and just gave up on reading it. It wasn't even THAT thick I could easily finish it in an hour or so but NO my dyslexia doesn't like that.

I looked at my phone to see that it was already time for me to get ready for my jobs. I was tired but I would get my paycheck today and so I couldn't just not go.

I sighed for what probably was the thousands of times today. After I locked the door to my room I went down the stairs to see my father passed out on the floor. 'huh?! When did he get home? ' I thought before picking him up and carrying him over to the couch.

He was pretty heavy. Almost too heavy for me to carry him but if I let him lay on the floor I'm gonna get beat even more for that.

After that, I finally went out of the door and to work.

When I got there I was pulled into a hug by the waitress. "hey denks, good that you're here, there are so many people here today." she told me.

After that my shift went on like usual. I was cleaning the dishes helped the cook with the ingredients and more.

When my shift finally ended I was exhausted. I went into the boss's office for my paycheck and then went back home.

I went up the stairs as quietly as possible so my father won't wake up. When I got to my room I hide the money so my father won't find it and spend it on alcohol.

I then laid in bed and to my surprise, I was able to sleep. Maybe it was because of the cat. Maybe it's just a one-time thing. But I'll take what I can get.

Aizawa pov: (wow, a  change).

I was worried about shinsou. I wasn't able to sleep well the last few days.
What if something happens to him then it would be my fault and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

I turned around in bed to face hizashi. I saw that he was a2ake. "sorry did I wake you up?" I asked him but he just pulled me close to him. "go get at least a little bit of sleep. Shinsou is fine for sure. I don't think that Denki would let anybody hurt an animal he's too nice for that" he said.

I knew that it was the truth but what if he wasn't able to protect shinsou. I tried falling asleep and then after a while it worked and I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

I couldn't do anything other than hope that he was okay...

Today is a very very special day in my country. It's called "Herz Jesu Feuer" People in my country make a fire as a Symbol for some thing that happened in the past. If you want you can look it up. :-)

sad denki (completed, Well Kind Of)Where stories live. Discover now