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The next Day ~

Denkis pov:

I couldn't Sleep. Like usual. I got up and went into the Shower. I was still sore from the Beating I got yesterday. Since I don't really get to Sleep at Night, my Body couldn't recover from the Soreness. I also fell asleep in Class sometimes. The Class just thinks I am to lazy to listen to the Teacher but I try to listen to him, It just isn't easy when you almost colapse from the Lack of Sleep. But the Class doesn't Need to know About that.

The Problem is also that I have ADHD. But Like you can easily guess, I don't have enough Money for my Medication. Most of my Money do I Need to pay the Bill the others are for Groceries. I mostly don't even have enough Money for Groceries. But I Need to lose weight anyway so it isn't bad.

When I stepped out of the Shower I brushed my Teeth and applied make up to my Eyebags and the Bruises on my Arms.

My Father was still asleep so I didn't have to worry About that. I closed the Door and started to run to School because I saw that I was going to be late. I was mostly late but it wasn't really my Fault, most of the Days I just couldn't really find the Strength to even get out of my Bed.

I reached my Class and opened the Door just as the second Bell rang. Mr. Aizawa wasn't here so I wasn't getting scolded for being late. I sat at my Seat. Everything was hurting but I tried not to let it Show. I just smiled like Always even if it was fake. I can't remember the last Time I genuely smiled.

Class was Pretty boring today, I was even harder for me to concentrate.

I soon fell asleep.

Aizawa pov:

I saw that Denki was sleeping. 'Alright class listen up.' All Attention was on me. 'Did any of you have a Sleepover Yesterday?' 'No why?'

'Do you know where Denki could have had his "Sleepover?' Minas Hand shot up. 'Yes?'

'But Denki never Comes to Sleepovers? He Always says that he doesn't have Time.' She told me. He doesn't have Sleepovers? But why couldn't he go to Sleepovers. What was up with him? There was something terrible wrong and I needed to find out what it was before it was to late.

I continued class. 'Someone wake up Denki and don't tell him About anything' The just nodded.

After Denki woke up I Always glanced to him. I really was worried About him.

'Alright Class, you can go now.' I said and walked out of the Classroom. I needed to find Mic. I stormed into the Teachers Lounge and dragged him to my Office. 'Sho, calm down. What is Happening?' He looked worried.

'We have a Problem.' I saw how confused he was. 'A Problem? Why. What is Happening?'

'You know how we saw Denki and he told us he was going to a Sleepover? There was no Sleepover, zashi.' He still didn't understand. 'But sho, what if he was at a Sleepover with a Friend that isn't in Class 1a?' I just shook my Head.

'Zashi. THe Class told me That he doesn't go on Sleepovers. And he doesn't want to tell them why that is.' He suddenly had a worried Look on his Face. He understood my Concerns now.

'We Need to check if he is okay. But how are we going to do that?' Mic asked me.

Suddenly Nemuri Bursts trough the Door.

'Guys come on, fast. Something happened to...'


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