Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It was at this time, when they took most of a day to rest, that Strider felt the need to ask a burning question.

"You know, we have been travelling together for over 2 months now," Strider moved to look at the elleth, and she flinched because she knew what was coming next.

"I still don't know your name. Though I believe it isn't something you are comfortable discussing, I do think I should at least know what to call you."

The elleth looked up to meet his eyes, before looking away again. She gazed wistfully at the sunset. Then she spoke. Her voice wasn't terribly loud, it was soft and sad and slow.

"I know the names of many things, every bird, every bee, every flower and every tree. I know the names of the three people I know. But my own...I know not. In the 70 season cycles, or possibly more, I have been wandering...I have...never know who I am...or where I come from..."She trailed off, and turned to look at Strider.

His eyes widened a little at what he saw, she was crying. Her eyes shined in the final light of the day, as did her tear stained cheeks. He didn't quite know how to react.

They were sat no more than 3 meters apart, the closest they had gotten whilst resting. Strider decided to test it, so he slowly got closer to the elleth, but he wasn't sneaking up on her, as she was watching him as he moved.

When he was sat close to her, he awkwardly - but no less gently - put his arm around her shoulders. She stiffened a little at the close contact, but relaxed after he apologised.

"Goheno nin. I did not realise asking that would cause you so much pain." His voice was quieter than hers had been, barely a whisper, but he knew the elleth had heard, as he felt her small nod in response.

They stayed like that, Strider allowing his companion to just cry, as he occasionally stroked her arm reassuringly.

When dawn came, the pair discovered that they had fallen asleep like that and were both quite embarrassed.

It had begun to rain as they set off, it was the cold autumn rain that no clothes could protect them from.

After a few hours of trudging, a settlement came into view. When the elleth saw this she yelped, and stopped. She whined as Strider turned around, and shook frantically.

"Y-y-you did not...say...this Bree...was a town...I cannot there..."

"But we must, I must. You do not have to come with me, but I would prefer it if you did. There is somewhere to be dry and warm, the Prancing Pony has beds for the tired, food for the hungry and drink for the thirsty."

The elleth shook her head wildly in response, and Strider sighed. He went back on his way to Bree.

"I will be at the Prancing Pony, should you wish to join me. If not, I wish you luck on your journey and bid you Novaer . Na lû e-govaded 'wîn".

His voice was muted slightly by the rain and his direction, but his words hung in the air around the elleth.

She couldn't go in there. One new person was enough, not an unprecedented number. But she couldn't stay out in the rain as it was, because she was freezing and so desperately wanted to be warm, and what if she never saw him again? He was kind to her, and tried to comfort her when she had a meltdown the night before, albeit awkwardly. But awkwardness aside, she liked him, and wanted to stay around him, and if that meant having to go into a town and suffer from complete sensory overload, so be it.

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