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your smile is cute, channie
but you don't smile often :(
smile for me today, okay?
have a good day!



chan read the note he got in his locker, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips.

"hey sung?" he nudged the boy leaning his back on the locker next to him, sucking on a lollipop.

"what?" jisung turned to lean facing the elder boy.

"you got any idea who this is?" chan showed jisung the note.

"hm, don't think so. there's a lot of people that like you, could be anyone." jisung replied after reading it over,
removing the lollipop from his mouth and pointed it at chan.

"you've got a confident little secret admirer. when did you start getting them?"

"yesterday. still got it actually." chan reached inside his jacket and got out the note from the day before.

"they sound cute." jisung said, a small smirk on his lips.

"fuck off, they like me, not you, you prick." chan snapped back.

"and do you like them?"

"bro, i've had two notes, and i don't even know who this person is. how could i possibly like them already?" chan put the note in his pocket with the other one and closed his locker.

"come on, let's get to the others. where are they?" he asked the younger, who pushed himself off the locker to stand by chan's side.

"on the rooftop, duh, where else do we ever go?"

"oh, shut up, twat."


"respect your hyung."




"yes, or i'll tell your boyfriend your being a dick."

"minho likes me more than you, hence why i'm his boyfriend, idiot."

"whatever. fuck you."

"no thanks, that's minho's job."



"no, i don't wanna fucking know, shut up."

"fine, fine, fine."



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