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hi again channie!
i saw you show the notes
to your friend jisung
i couldn't tell whether you said you like them or not,
but i hope so :)
how about.. tomorrow, you
wear a certain colour
depending on what you think
of them?
i know you only wear black
and white usually, so let's switch it up a bit!
yellow means you like them,
and blue means you don't.
don't worry, i won't get offended if you dont do this, but i wanna know what you think. :)
have a good day ♡


"hey hyung, you still getting those letters?" chan looked up from the note to see jisung, holding hands with minho, his boyfriend, and their other friend hyunjin.

"yeah, look." chan showed the note to the three. he and jisung had told the others about it yesterday.

"are you going to do it?" hyunjin asked, raising a brow to the elder.

"yeah, why not."

"so you're telling me you actually like these notes? don't you find them creepy, hyung?"

"they're not creepy, hyunjin, they're cute. whoever they are, they're a very caring person and i appreciate it." chan closed his locker and turned back around just in time to see hyunjin scoff, roll his eyes and walk off.

"what's up with him? jesus. i didn't say anything wrong." chan raised an eyebrow at the couple that still stood next to him.

"i don't know, ask seungmin to check on him or something." minho shrugged.

it wasn't uncommon for hyunjin to act like that, but only for a reason. this time there wasn't really a reason, so the three were pretty confused. they had to admit, however, hyunjin had been acting a bit off since the notes were first mentioned to the group.

"come on, let's go meet felix on the rooftop."

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