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a small boy rushed through the empty hallway to get to a certain males locker before he got there.

jeongin was later than usual putting the note in chan's locker, but he wanted to see if chan had done what he suggested yesterday. to his relief, when he saw the elder boy turn up on his skateboard with his friends, he was wearing a pastel yellow hoodie, with the sleeves rolled up halfway, black ripped jeans and black and white vans.

jeongin wouldn't be exaggerating if he said he was overjoyed at the fact chan liked his notes. he quickly ran to the hall where chan's locker was, wrote a quick, note and put it in before running off up to the library to meet his friend.


"chan hyung, why are you wearing yellow?" felix asked as they walked into the building.

"the note he got yesterday said to wear yellow if he liked the notes, and blue if he didn't." minho explained as he and jisung walked hand in hand beside the younger.

"but last time i checked you didn't have anything that wasn't black or white."

"i borrowed it off minjun hyung." chan shrugged and walked up to his locker.

there was another note inside, as usual, and a ghost of a smile played on his lips as he picked it up.

i'm sorry if today's note
seems a bit rushed, channie
i wanted to wait until i saw you and see if you did the colour checking thing before
i wrote again
and you did! :D
i'm glad you like them, i
was worried for a second you might think they were creepy
come back to your locker at the end of lunch to get something else, i'll leave it there :)
but not beforehand! otherwise it won't be there
have a good day as always ♡


"do you really like these? seriously?" hyunjin spoke with his arms crosses and staring at the elder.

chan raised his eyebrow in response.

"yes, hyunjin. i said so yesterday. what's wrong with that?"

"theyre creepy, that's what! you don't know who's writing these, don't know if they're actually nice people and what if this is just a prank or something?!"

"hyunjin, just calm down. i don't know what's gotten into you lately, but you need to chill. i appreciate this person for trying make my day better and i know they're a nice person by now. why do you hate them so much?"

"nobody could ever love you as much as i do, thats why.." hyunjin said in a mumble as he stared at the ground, before walking off quickly.

thankfully, no one had heard him as he left- he would've cried if anyone did. or so he thought. felix watched as the taller walked off- he was the only one who heard what hyunjin had said, and he now understood why the said make was acting the way he was.

he was jealous.

"what did he say?" jisung asked, confused.

"i-i don't know." felix replied. a straight lie.

"alright, well, let's get to the rooftop then."


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