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chan and jeongin had been dating for a couple months, and had were almost beating minho and jisung as the school's power couple already.

jeongin hung out with chan and his friends a lot and they all got along really well. jeongin  had even managed to stop chan from skipping and he now attended his history classes.

hyunjin had been unheard of ever since the day chan and jeongin got together, the only person to be seen with him was seungmin- he was supposedly teaching him to change his attitude for the better.



"i left something in my maths class, can we go get it?"

"sure, baby."

jeongin and chan walked down the hallway, hand in hand towards the said classroom. on the way, jeongin accidentally bumped into someone, stumblinf backwards.

"oh, i'm sor- jeongin? chan?"

jeongin glanced up at the tall male he bumped into.


"listen, can i talk to you, jeongin? please?"

the said male felt his boyfriend's grip on his hand tighten slightly, and he looked at the elder.

"why do you think i'd let you be with him alone?" chan scowled.

"i- chan, please. i won't take him out of the hallway, we can stay in the hallway so you can see us but please, can i just talk to him?"

desperation could be heard clearly in hyunjin's voice and that made the two feel like he didn't actually have any bad intentions.

"fine.." chan grumbled, releasing jeongin's hand and letting hyunjin take the said boy to the other side of the hallway.

"so..?" jeongin was wairy of the older boy, but he knew chan could see them so nothing would happen.

"i wanted to apologise. for everything i did. i.. was acting like a psycho and i don't know what i was thinking. chan was the first person i ever liked enough to call 'love', or liked in general, so i took it way too seriously and thought i had to make everyone else stay away from him for him to notice me. the thing was i never noticed that it wasn't making him notice me, he only ever saw me as a friend and i understand that, but over my time away from you all someone helped me realise how much i'd hurt everyone i'd done that to, and i'm trying to find everyone and apologise for what i did. you're the main person i want to apologize to, though, since you're his boyfriend now, and i just want you to know that i'm happy for you two! you guys deserve to be happy and not have someone like me ruin it- i just want to be friends again. are you okay with that?"

jeongin could feel the sincerity in the elder's words and he smiled slightly.

"you know, you might not believe me, but i forgive you."

hyunjin's head shot up from where he was staring at the ground, staring with wide eyes.


jeongin nodded, still with a smile on his lips, causing hyunjin to smile too.

"thank you so, so, so much-"

"are we done here now?"

both boys turned their heads towards chan, who was standing with a slight glare towards hyunjin.

"yup! hyunjin's back in the group now, channie."

chan was silent for a second.

"okay then. i trust you, innie."


"i'll see you guys later then?" hyunjin asked.

"yeah, bye hyunjin!"

"bye! thank you so much!"

"no problem!"

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