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jeongin was getting some books out of his locker before classes, the hallway he was in was empty and he was trying to distract himself from the fluttering nerves inside if him.

he had told chan who he was, and even though the elder had shown many positive reactions so far, that didn't mean jeongin wasn't nervous.

after closing his locker, he was about to walk off when he was yanked back by the hair causing him to yelp loudly in pain.

"what did you think you wear doing?!" a voice hissed in his ear, sending shivers down his spine.


he was thrown to the floor, landing on his butt and hands harshly and causing him to yelp again. hyunjin stood over him with a sneer on his face.

"don't  'what' me, you know exactly what i mean, you fucker, so stop acting innocent. i told you to fuck off and stop leaving notes for channie!" hyunjin started raising his voice, shouting near the end as jeongin flinched at the raise in volume and tears started to build in his eyes as he knew where this was going.

"but what did you do this morning? you left him another note, not only telling him what i'd said, but also telling him who you are! don't you remember what i said?" he yelled as he walked closer to the smaller boy on the floor, who was trying to scurry away from the taller as quickly as possible.


"shut up, bitch! i'll fucking-"

"do nothing. you'll do nothing."

both boy's heads snapped to the person that was making his way towards them, an angry expression on his face.

"c-channie hyung.." hyunjin muttered, looking at him in shock and slight fear.

"don't 'channie' me, hyunjin. what the fuck do you think you're doing?" chan demanded as he stood in between jeongin and hyunjin to protect the smaller boy.

"w-well, jeonginnie here fell and i w-was about to help him up." hyunjin lied, smiling slightly to try and make it seem believable.

chan scoffed.

"don't fucking lie, hyunjin. i could hear you yelling from the floor above and i heard every word."

hyunjin's face paled instantly.


"don't 'what' me, you know exactly what i mean, so stop acting innocent!" chan imitated hyunjin's words from earlier.

"what's wrong with you? you think that just because jeongin likes the same person as you, you can threaten his life and claim me as your own? i don't belong to you, hyunjin, and threatening jeongin is out of line-

" b-but channie, i don't just like you, i love you, i love you with all my heart. i love you more than he could ever!" the taller protested.

"no, hyunjin. i don't care how much you like me, i don't like you. you're acting like a fucking psycho and you're stepping out of line. jeongin's a sweet boy who would never harm anyone and sends cute notes and gifts to show his love, whereas you threaten others to make sure you have me all to your fucking self, when i don't even belong to you! what's wrong with you?!" chan ranted, shocking hyunjin.

"listen here, hyunjin, i would like to still consider you as my friend, but i won't associate myself with you until you fix your attitude. stay the fuck away from jeongin and never hurt him ever again otherwise i won't hesitate to fucking murder you. got it?" chan practically growled.

tears slipped from hyunjin's eyes as he looked down at the ground and nodded before running off.

chan sighed and turned around to the boy on the ground behind him with softer expression on his face, crouching down to his level an checking him for any injuries.

"give me your hands." chan said in a softer tone.

jeongin stretched his hands out to the elder, who held them gently and ran his thumbs over the small grazes as he checked them. he then pulled the younger up to his feet by his hands and looked him in the eyes.

"are you okay?"

jeongin nodded and looked down at their still intertwined hands.


"hm?" he looked back up at the elder boy and blushed at the closeness of their faces.

chan closed the gap and put a small peck on jeongin's lips, earning a small squeal in response. he chuckled.

"you know, over the time you wrote those notes, i really fell for you. you're so cute, even the way you write is cute, with the little faces and hearts. you were even considerate of the fact that if i didn't like something about it, you'd stop. oh, and the cookies you made were amazing too, by the way. you're overall adorable, jeongin."

jeongin blushed at chan's words and he continued.

"i think we both already know the answer, but will you be my boyfriend?"

"yes!" jeongin exclaimed, smiling brightly at the elder, who smiled back.

jeongin gasped lightly.

"you're smiling!"

chan chuckled.

"yeah, i've got a cute ass boyfriend now."

jeongin softly slapped his shoulder as the bell rang, causing chan to start gently pulling jeongin down the hallway.

"what- channie, aren't you going to the roof?"

"nope, not today." chan shook his head, not long after reaching the door to their history class.

"bang chan, back again? and why is that, is this magic?" the teacher exclaimed.

"people change, you know." chan rolled his eyes and lead jeongin to sit next to him in the back.

"and is it yang jeongin who changed you, pray tell?"


"well, seeing as he's one of my best students, i'm hoping he could make you the same."

"eh, who knows, boyfriends are capable of many things."

"channie!" jeongin whined. "did you have to just say it?"

"what, you want me to prove it?"

"t-that's not what i meant!"

"alright, boys, no messing around in my class please. i'd appreciate that." the teacher interrupted them.

"sorry, sir."

"you better be."


so, that's the end of this story! :)


there will be a bonus chapter! ;)

we being fancyyyyy

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