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"hey guys."

chan dropped to sit at their cafeteria table, everyone else's heads turning to face him and minho. hyunjin hadn't been with them since that morning, none of them had seen him since.

"hey hyung. did you see who it could be?" changbin was the first to greet him.

"huh?" felix asked.

"oh, chan hyung started getting hints yesterday. you know, for the anonymous guy."

"so it's a guy?" seungmin questioned.

"yeah. we know it's a guy, his name starts with 'j', he looks like a fox, and he's a junior but was moved up by a teacher to chan's history class." changbin clarified.

"ohhh." felix now understood.

"so do you have an idea, hyung? bin hyung told us you went to history this morning, so did you see anyone?" jisung asked.

"i did, actually. i have an idea who it might be, but i don't know his name." chan informed the group.

"oh? what does he look like?" felix asked.

"well, he's kinda short, has brown hair, has pretty defined facial features but soft eyes that do resemble a fox. he was wearing a pastel blue sweater,white jeans and white shoes-"

"like that dude over there?" minho interrupted the elder, nodding over to somewhere else in the cafeteria.

chan turned to look where minho was also looking, his eyes falling onto the exact boy from his history class, sitting with a group of boys that chan still didn't recognize, except from two seniors- mark lee and huang renjun.

"him! yeah, that's him, that's the boy!" chan exclaimed, nodding vigorously as he kept his gaze on the boy.

"what boy?" a different voice was heard, everyone turning their head to see hyunjin, who had been gone since the morning and hadn't gone to the rooftop with the others during the first lesson.

"jin, where have you been? literally no one knew where you were!" seungmin exclaimed as the said boy sat down.

"i went home for a bit, i wasn't feeling well." hyunjin muttered.

"oh, are you feeling better now, jinnie?" chan asked the younger, concerned.

hyunjin had his head resting on his arms, covering the slight blush that rose on his cheeks.

"yeah, i'm fine, hyung." he answered.

"anyway, what 'boy' were you talking about."

"chan hyung thinks he's found the boy who's been sending notes to him!" felix explained.

hyunjin lifted his head slowly to look at the group.

"oh, really? who?"

"that brunette over there. the one with mark, renjun and mark's boyfriend." minho pointed out.

"wait, i know him!" seungmin said suddenly, squinting at the small boy they were suspicious of.

"you do?" chan whipped his head around to the younger.

"yeah. his names jeongin, i think. yang jeongin. he's friends with my cousin."

"and his name even starts with 'j', hyung!" jisung stated.

hyunjin's gaze landed on the mentioned 'yang jeongin' and felt pure hatred and jealousy swirl through him.

'how dare he try and take channie from me! i'll make him regret it, oh, i promise you that.'

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