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for the next three days, chan didn't receive any notes in his locker, leaving him confused and quite sad. it was obvious by now that he had started loving the notes, and not to forget the cookies, and now 'j' had stopped- why?

he wanted to know why. did 'j' forget? did he lose interest? was he bored of chan? did something happen to him? chan had a lot of these questions in his head, along with something else he'd noticed.

hyunjin had been happier recently, ever since chan said he wasn't getting notes anymore. he knew that the taller didn't like 'j' for some odd reason, of which he didn't know, but he was partially wondering- did he have something to do with it? chan could've been over thinking it, but that's what he always did, he over thought everything.

chan sighed as he walked up to his locker before school, by himself as he came later than usual. opening his locker, he noticed something slip out and onto the floor.


crouching down to pick it up, his eyes lit up at what it was- a note. the same note 'j' would usually leave. he quickly opened it, eager to see what it said.

hi channie!
sorry i was gone for a while, something happened so i took a small break :(
i trust you though, so i'll tell you
someone came up to me when i was about to drop a note off on the first day you didn't get one and threatened me to stay away from you, it was pretty scary :(
i won't say who it was, but i'll just say you know him.
at this point, i'm pretty sure you know who i am, i saw you and your friends looking at me in the cafeteria a couple days ago and i could actually hear you, believe it or not XD
so, come and find me if you want to talk about this whole thing :)

i love you, channie ♡

-yang jeongin

as soon as chan read the note, he felt a mixture of relief that the boy hadn't lost interest in him, anger that someone had tried to hurt him, and excitement now that he knew for sure who he was.

as quickly as he could, he hurried up to the rooftop to meet his friends.

"guys!" he exclaimed, everyone turning to face him immediately.

"woah, why're you so happy, hyung?" changbin asked.

"there's a note!"

there was a look of surprise on everyone's faces- they knew he hadn't been getting them recently.

"really? read it!" felix exclaimed.

chan read it out, minho clapping at the end.

"i said it was him! go find him!"

"i will later, but didn't you hear the middle part? he was threatened, fucking threatened, to stay away from me!"

"who would do that?" jisung muttered, thinking.

"someone who's jealous of him? someone who hates him?" seungmin suggested.

it went silent for a couple seconds, then hyunjin coughed slightly and stood up.

"well, i've got to go do something, i'll see you guys in classes." he said, walking off not long after.

after he left, changbin raised an eyebrow at the others.

"don't you think hyunjin's been acting weird lately? he hated jeongin the whole time the notes were being sent, and then jeongin suddenly stopped due to someone threatening him and hyunjin was magically happy. what if he was the one who threatened him?"

"why would he do that though?" minho asked.

"well, i didn't want to say this because i didn't want to upset him, but.. hyunjin has feelings for you chan hyung. that's why he hates jeongin so much and now i'm almost certain he's the one threatening him." felix spoke sheepishly.

"what?" chan was in disbelief. hyunjin having feelings for him would make complete sense but he wouldn't go as far as to hurt someone for feeling the same, right?

"hyung, you do know that he could be going to find jeongin right now? he just left randomly after you said jeongin left another note. if it is him, jeongin wouldn't stand a chance." jisung piped up.

"but he doesn't hurt other people for reasons like that, does he?" chan questioned- more like questioned himself.

"i don't know, hyung. one way or another, he always gets what he wants." changbin added.

chan nodded, finally coming to a conclusion. "fine, I'll try to go and find him, or jeongin."

then chan span around and ran off the rooftop, hoping nothing bad would happen and that his friends we're just joking around.

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