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hi channie!
i noticed you and your friends in the cafeteria yesterday
it looked like you liked the cookies :)
and i'm glad!
today's hint:
my family and friend say i resemble a fox
but since that isn't a big hint, i'll give you another:
i'm in the year below you, but my teacher thought my history grade was really really good so she moved me up to your history class.
you're barely in that class, sadly, you're always skipping first lesson on the rooftop so i don't get to see you much :(
but anyway, have a good day, channie! ♡


"they're in my history class?" chan mumbled, catching the attention of changbin next to him.

"huh?" changbin asked.

"the mystery guy. he started leaving hints yesterday, look."

chan pulled the note from the day before out of his pocket, showing changbin.

"so it's a guy, his name starts with 'j', he looks like a fox and he's a junior but is in your history class?" changbin clarified.

"that's what i've got so far." chan nodded.

"alright. well, let's get to the rooftop and meet the others."

chan shook his head.

"you can go, but i'm going to history. i want to see if i can spot this person." he said.

"but that teacher fucking hates you, dude. you've only been to two classes in the whole year, and it's already june!" changbin raised a brow at the elder.

"oh well. they're not the only one." chan shrugged as he walked off, leaving a dumbfounded changbin in the corridor.


"bang chan! nice of you to finally come to class for once."

chan rolled his eyes at the teacher who was clearly surprised to see him, as were the rest of the students there.

"don't get too used to it, i'm not here to work anyway." he said nonchalantly as he walked to his seat which was right at the back corner.

as the lesson started, chan began to inspect every student there. no one caught his attention until his eyes landed on a boy diagonal from him in the row in front.

the boy was pretty short, he could swing his legs back on forth without his feet touching the floor, and he did look younger than everyone else in the class- around the age of a junior. from what chan could see, he had sharp, defined features, fox like features, but his eyes were soft and looked like they held a whole galaxy inside of them.

the boy wore a pastel blue oversized sweater, white ripped jeans and white filas, along with a ring on his right pinky finger. chan had to say, he radiated aura that just screamed 'adorable' and 'baby'.

chan thought that this could possibly be the boy who was leaving him notes, but because the australian never attended this class, he had no clue who this boy was, he didn't even know his name.

before he knew it, the bell rang and class was over, the students all pack in up and leaving. chan got up and tried to go over to the boy, but he had already left into the stream of students in the hallway.

'fuck, i lost him.' chan thought- the mystery boys lack of height made it hard to spot him in the hallway.

he made a note to ask his friends if they have any clue who he was as he made his way to the next class.

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