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"hey guys, i'm going to my locker, the note said to come back after lunch. oh, and seungmin? hyunjin's pissed off again, you might need to go find him."

"okay, chan hyung."

the tall brunette ran off out of the cafeteria to go and find the tallest member of the group as the eldest walked off in the opposite direction towards the hallway that his locker was in. he was trying to lay rather low to see if he could spot 'j' put the mystery surprise in his locker without being seen himself. however, he didn't manage to spot anyone suspicious by the time he got there.

opening his locker, he saw a note, as always, and a box underneath, but before checking what is was, he read the note first.

here's the surprise, channie!
i wanted to show my gratitude for the fact you actually like these notes, so i got you a gift :)
i also thought about the fact that you might want hints to who i am, so here's the first one:
i'm a guy, i hope you don't mind
i hope you like the gift ♡


chan smiled at the note- this person was so kind. and the fact that it was a guy? he didn't mind at all! he was pansexual, and was more than okay with it.

putting the note in his pocket like usual, chan picked up the box and opened it, eyes and smile widening at the contents.

the box contained a bunch of homemade cookies, the sweet smell of chocolate chips wafting into the air of the empty hallway, sending chan to heaven. there were fourteen of them, and chan wanted to thank the male who made these as soon as possible, but he didn't know who it was.

he closed the box and his locker, walking back to the cafeteria where he met with his friends again. seungmin and hyunjin, however, still weren't hadn't got back.

"hey hyung, what did they get you?" felix asked the older aussie as he sat down with a smile on his face.

"these." chan answered, opening the box again and showed the other four people at the table.

jisung gasped as he saw the heavenly snacks.

"yo, they look bomb! you're so lucky, hyung!"

"well, you guys can try them too. there's fourteen, enough for two each, including hyunjin and seungmin."

"really? but they're your present!" changbin spoke.

"doesn't mean i can't share." chan shrugged, handing out two cookies each to everyone there.

"woah, thanks hyung!" felix grinned, as they sat there eating cookies until seungmin and hyunjin came back.

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