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It was the end of the day, so I walked out of the classroom and waited for Daniel so we could walk home together. I saw Daniel come out with two other guys. They were talking and laughing. 

"Hey Daniel! Wanna walk home together?" I asked. 
He looked at me and frowned a bit. "Oh, sorry (y/n). I was gonna hangout with Freddy and Nathan today." 
I looked at the ground and said, "That's ok. I'll see you tomorrow. I guess."

"Hey, why don't we all hangout together? I mean we all live in the same place." Daniel said.
"Sure!" Freddy and Nathan said in unison. 
"(Y/n)? Wanna join us?" Daniel asked. 
"Ok," I smiled and we all headed to Freddy's apartment.

On our way there, the guys were all laughing and talking to each other, and leaving me out. I sighed and just kept walking with them. 

We got to the apartments and walked into Freddy's place. It looked just like mine, but the color of the walls are a little different. 
Freddy walked over to the fridge and got Cokes for everyone. 

"Did you see Amanda Jones?" Nathan said. 
"Yeah, she's something. All the guys have got the hots for her." Freddy replied. 
"I would hit on her, too bad she's from The Hills." 

"So, because she's from The Hills, that means you can't go for her?" Daniel asked. 
"Well- No."
"Ok, so why don't you make a move?" 
"'Cuz I'm from Reseda, and people from The Hills don't go out with us poor kids like us." 
"We ain't poor," I took a sip of my Coke then finished my sentence.
"Just ain't rich." 

There was silence for a second. 
"Why don't you just make a move man?" I say.
"No way!" Nathan shook his head. 
"Why? Chicken?" I tease. 
Daniel and Freddy laughed. 

"I think you are!" 
"Buck-buck-BUCKA!" I  said, imitating a chicken. 
"SHUT UP!" Nathan said angrily.
We all put our hands in the air and backed away from him, then laughed. 

A/n: (Idk about this one but whatever lol. Hope you guys liked it. Stay gold my dudes! 💛)

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