Chapter 2- The accident

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Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, and Ambulance 61 arrive at the scene.

Boden: This house doesn't have long until it becomes very dangerous. I want you guys to do a quick search then get the hell out of there.

Everyone: Copy Chief.

Kelly: Squad, we will start the search on the 3rd floor. Capp and Tony start your search west and make your way to the middle and then Cruz and I will meet after we search east. We will then all go and meet Truck on the second floor.

Cruz, Capp, and Tony: Copy, Lieutenant.

Casey: Truck, let's start on the first floor. Kidd stay with me and we will go east, and Mouch and Gallo go west. Meet up in the middle once you have finished your search. We will then meet Squad on the second floor.

Kidd, Mouch, and Gallo: Copy, Captain.

Brett: Mackey start to prep for incoming victims.

Squad and Truck made their way inside the house and quickly finished up their searches. They soon met each other on the second floor.

Casey: Severide you and Squad take the west, Truck will take the East.

Boden: Truck and Squad you guys have 1 minute the smoke is starting to turn black and the structure looks unstable.

Casey and Kelly: Copy Chief.

Casey: Truck hurry up with the search, Boden is going to call it.

Kidd, Mouch, and Gallo: Copy, Captain.

Kelly: Squad, let's go before this house goes up in flames. Casey I don't think there was anyone ever in this house, it was completely empty. What about you?

Casey: I agree, Truck didn't find any victims.

Truck and Squad start to make their way out of the house. Truck was out of the house first. Then Squad soon followed. Kelly was the last one to start making it out of the house. He noticed that the house was starting to blow over. Then he was thrown out of the 2-story window, and knocked unconscious from impact.

Boden: Tell me that everyone made it out of there before it flashed over?

Everyone (except Stella): Yes chief.

Stella: Where is Kelly? Casey I thought he was behind you?

Casey: He was, where the hell did he go?

Stella starts to search around the building, when she spots Kelly unconscious, lying on the ground. She runs over to him and falls on her knees.

Stella: Kelly! Can you hear me Kelly? Kelly please answer me! Brett, Mackey! I found Kelly!

Brett and Mackey: Copy, we are coming right now.

Brett: Stella please stand back, let me and Mackey work.

Stella: Fine, please help him!

Brett: Mackey get a C-collar on him and check his pulse.

Mackey: His pulse is weak, and he looks like he could have a possible back and head injury, we need to get him in the ambo.

Brett: Your right, guys slide the backboard underneath him and get him into the ambo. Be careful there could be possible back injuries.

The guys from Squad and Truck lift him into the ambo.

Stella: Chief, can I ride with Kelly to med?

Chief: Yes go, the rest of us will meet you guys there.

Stella: Thank you Chief.

Boden: Engine finish up this fire and when you guys are done head over to med right away. I will call backup for you guys.

Engine: Copy, Chief.

Mackey drives while Brett works on him in the back of the ambo, and Stella is there holding his hand. She is on the verge of crying, but she trys to hold it together.

Stella: Kelly, if you can hear me please hold on and stay with me. I need you, this can't be how we end.

They arrive at med and Maggie tells Dr. Halstead that Kelly is coming in with a possible head and back trauma. Dr. Halstead tells Maggie that he will take the case.

-ambo 61 arrives at med-

Brett: 38 year old male, he was thrown out of a 2-story window. He has possible head and back injuries. His oxygen and pulse was low.

Dr. Halstead takes Kelly into trauma 3 and starts to assess him. He closes the curtain, so they don't have to watch.

Stella, Brett and Mackey head over to the waiting room, hoping that they will have news on Kelly fast. A few minutes later the rest of Squad and Truck arrives at med.

Casey: Any news on Severide?

Stella: No we are waiting for an update from Dr. Halstead.

-Dr. Halstead walks into the waiting room-

Dr. Halstead- I have to be honest with you Kelly is in pretty bad shape. He has a severe concussion, and he broke his C-3-5 nerves in his back. He is currently being transported and prepped to an OR for surgery.

Stella: Is he going to be okay?

Dr. Halstead: He is in very good hands, and just by looking at his medical records he is a fighter. I will let you know if there is any updates.

Stella starts to break down. She falls to her knees and starts to cry. Brett kneels down next to her.

Brett: Stella look at me, Kelly doesn't give up and he is not going to give up now.

Stella: Okay, I hope you are right.

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