Chapter 8- The Surprise Part 2

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Stella's POV: 

We only have about 4 hours left of shift, but I decided to ask Chief Boden whether or not I can get the rest of shift off. I wanted to rest because I was not feeling well, and I wanted to be able to set up some things to tell Kelly that we are pregnant.

-Stella knocks on Chief Boden's door-

Stella: Hey Chief you got a second?

Boden: Yeah sure come on in.

Stella: I was just wondering whether or not I could get the rest of shift off?

Boden: Why?

Stella: The past week I haven't been feeling too well, and it's been getting worse. I just wanted to go rest.

Boden: Go ahead, rest up. Will I see you next shift?

Stella: Yes, hopefully. Thank you Chief.

-Stella knocks on Kelly's quarter-

Stella: Hey Kelly I don't feel well right now. I got the okay from Boden to take the rest of shift and rest.

Kelly: Are you okay? Do you want me to with you?

Stella: No Kelly I will be fine. I just need to rest. Shift will be over soon, I'll just be at home resting.

Kelly: Fine, I will be home as soon as I can. Drive safe, feel better.

Stella: Thanks babe, I love you.

Kelly: I love you too.

-Stella leaves the firehouse and goes right to med-

Stella: Hey April!

April: Hey Stella what brings you to med?

Stella: I just have an appointment with Manning, can you page her?

April: For sure, are you okay?

Stella: I am all good, just getting a check up.

-Natalie walks in-

Dr. Manning: Hi Stella, I will take you in room 3.

Stella: Okay sounds great.

Dr. Manning: Why don't you sit down right here. What brings you in?

Stella: I think I might be pregnant, could you possible run a blood test to make sure?

Dr. Manning: Definitely. I'll take you blood right now. I will be right back with the results, stay here.

-20 minutes later-

Dr. Manning: Congratulations Stella! You are definitely pregnant. My estimate is that you are about 7 weeks along.

Stella: Thank you, I just wanted to be sure.

Dr. Manning: Not to pry or anything, but have you told Kelly yet?

Stella: No I have not, I just wanted to be 100% sure before I told him, I am planning to tell him once he gets home from shift.

Dr. Manning: Well would you like me to run an ultrasound you should be able to hear the baby's heartbeat?

Stella: If it is possible could we wait until tomorrow? I want Kelly to be here when I get the first ultrasound.

Dr. Manning: That is fine, how about tomorrow at 2pm?

Stella: Sounds great thanks.

Once Stella leaves med she heads right to a baby store. She finds a shirts for herself it reads "Baby on the way!". She also found a baby onesie that says "mini firefighter". She heads straight home, and starts to set up and put the onesie in a gift bag along with her 2 pregnancy tests and the blood test results and covers it in blue and pink tissue paper. She then puts on the shirt she bought for herself and covered it up with a jacket. She leaves to gift bag on the coffee table and sits on the couch.

-Kelly arrives home about 30 minutes later-

Kelly: Hey Stella are you feeling any better?

Stella: Actually I am. I have a gift for you.

Kelly: You do?

Stella: Yes I do. Here unzip my jacket.

Kelly: Unzip your jacket?

Stella: Yes just do it, read what my shirt says out loud.

Kelly unzips Stella's jacket.

Kelly: Baby on the way? Are you pregnant???

Stella: No Kelly, we are pregnant!

Kelly looks at Stella with the biggest smile and they both are crying out of happiness. He picks her up and hugs her.

Kelly: I can't believe that we are pregnant!

Stella: I know I can't either. I have something else for you, look in the gift bag. 

Kelly pulls out the 2 pregnancy tests and the blood test results. He smiles and looks at Stella, and gives her a kiss. He then pulls out the baby onesie. 

Kelly: Mini firefighter. This is adorable. Our baby is going to be the luckiest person in the world, because little bean has the best mom in the world.

Stella: Aw, Kelly you are going to make me cry more than I already am. These damn hormones are making me so emotional.

Kelly: It's okay babe, you are carrying our child. I will take care of both of you. You know that you will have to stop fighting fires for a while right?

Stella: I know, but it will be worth it at the end.

Kelly: It will.

Stella: Can we go to bed now I am tired.

Kelly: Of course let's go.

They both walk into the bedroom and Kelly lays down first. Then Stella lays her head on his arm. Kelly then puts his hand on Stella's stomach.

Kelly: Hey little one, it's your dad. I can't wait to meet you. You have the best mom you could ever ask for.

Stella Looks at him, and starts to cry.

Stella: Kelly you are too sweet. Are you trying to make me cry every 5 seconds? My hormones are out of control.

Kelly: Sorry, I just wanted to say hi to the little one. Come here.

Kelly gives Stella a kiss and hugs her.

Stella: Also I forgot to tell you we have an appointment at 2pm with Natalie. I saw her early to confirm that we are pregnant. She said that I am about 7 weeks along. We would be getting the first ultrasound, she said we will be able to hear the baby's heartbeat.

Kelly: Really? I can't believe we will be able to hear the little one's heartbeat.

Stella: I know me too, let's rest up before the appointment.

Kelly: Sounds like a plan. 

Kelly gives her a kiss on the head and soon they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

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