Chapter 26- Home Sweet Home

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It's the day after Audrey was born. Stella is about to be discharged from the hospital. She is signing the last of the discharge papers while Kelly is walking back and forth while talking to Audrey.

Kelly: Hey baby girl, guess what? You're going home today, you'll get to see the nursery you mommy and I made.

Kelly then gives Audrey a kiss on the forehead. He walks over to Stella and places Audrey in her car seat.

Kelly: You two ready to head home?

Stella: You bet, and I don't need this wheelchair. I am perfectly capable of walking by myself.

Kelly: Woah wait. Sit back down, you just had a baby, and it's hospital protocol.

Stella: Fine.

Kelly: Plus it gives me an excuse to push you around.

Stella: Shut up.

Kelly pushes Stella's wheelchair out to their car while having Audrey's carseat on his arm. Kelly opens the back seat door and secures Audrey's carseat in the back. After he helps Stella into the passenger side.

Stella: Are you nervous?

Kelly: Nervous about what?

Stella: Taking care of her on our own now. At least in the hospital we had the nurses to help us, but now it's just me, you, and Audrey.

Kelly: Hey, look at me we got this. You and I can do anything together. Okay?

Stella: Okay, thank you babe. I love you.

Kelly: I love you too.

The 3 of them head home. They all open up the door to their apartment.

Stella: This is your home now Audrey.

Kelly: This apartment is the place you're going to grow up in.

Stella takes Audrey out of her carseat and sits on the couch. Kelly then sits next to the both of them. He puts his arm around Stella and puts his other hand on Audrey's cheek.

Kelly: She's so precious.

Stella: She really is. I still can't believe we are the parents to this sweet girl.

Kelly: I know I can't either.

Audrey starts to get fussy.

Kelly: You want to maybe try breastfeeding her?

Stella: Yeah why not.

Stella lifts up her shirt and pulls down her bra.

Stella: Wow she has a really good latch.

Kelly: She does.

-1 hour later-

Stella: Oh no.

Kelly: What's wrong?

Stella: I think miss Audrey went poop in her diaper.

Kelly: You want me to change her?

Stella: That would be perfect, thanks babe.

Kelly changes Audrey's diaper and walks back into the living room and notices that Stella fell asleep. He lightly chuckles and walks back into Audrey's nursery. He places Audrey in her crib.

Kelly: Sleep tight little one.

Kelly walks back into the living room and picks up Stella bridal style being careful not to wake her. He gently places Stella onto the bed. He gets into bed next to her, he makes sure to keep Audrey's monitor on the nightstand in case she wakes up. He pulls up he covers over the both of them. Stella moves over closer to Kelly and leans her head on his chest while his arm is around her. He gives her a kiss on the forehead.

Kelly: (whisper) I love you baby, you gave me the best gift in the world, our little family. You'll always be the person I look forward to seeing wherever I go, and the person I hope each text, or call I get comes from. You are my home and always will be. I'm so glad you're extending the home to my heart with our beautiful daughter.

Little did he know that Stella heard every word of what he said. She starts to have tears in her eyes.

Stella: Aw, baby I love you so much. I am without a doubt the luckiest girl in the world.

Kelly: You heard what I said?

Stella: I did, every single word. Don't be embarrassed it's me, you can tell me anything and I love you being romantic and saying these sweet and sentimental things.

They fell asleep in each other's arms, enjoying their new life.

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