Chapter 10- At Home

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Kelly and Stella arrive home from the first ultrasound. They sit on the couch together. In Stella's hands are the sonograms from the ultrasound. They are both staring at it in complete awe.

Kelly: Think about how much our life is going to change in just 8 months.

Stella: I know, soon enough we will have a kid running around. I would feel terrible to leave Casey, but do you think we should look into getting our own place? Don't get me wrong I love having Casey around, but I think we should find a place more kid friendly. This apartment is great, but it definitely has some factors that would not be an ideal environment for a baby.

Kelly: I agree, and I am sure Casey would understand. Also take a breath, we have some time before the baby comes. I think maybe we should find somewhere that has a nice backyard for the little one to run around in one day.

Stella: That's exactly what I was thinking. Also I don't think I tell you this enough, thank you babe.

Kelly: For what?

Stella: Just for being you. You make me feel so special and loved. I feel like I could accomplish anything with you by my side. 

Kelly: I would do anything for you. I love you.

Stella: I love you too. Can we take a quick nap, the little one is making me feel like I just ran a marathon.

Kelly: Of course.

Kelly picks up Stella and gently places her on the bed. Kelly lays down and extends his arm out. Stella leans in close to him and puts her head on his chest. Kelly kisses Stella on the forehead.

Kelly: Sleep tight you two.

-3 hours later-

Stella: Kelly? Hey, wake up.

Kelly: What time is it?

Stella: I'm not sure let me check. Wow, we've been asleep for 3 hours, it's almost 6'clock.

Kelly: Well you needed your rest.

Stella: Thank you.  

Kelly: How about I make us some dinner?

Stella: That sounds like a great idea, I'll come with you.

Kelly makes Stella her favorite meal. It's chicken, fried rice, and broccoli. 

Stella: Thank you babe, this is delicious!

Kelly: Your welcome.

Stella: Hey when do you think we should tell the guys?

Kelly: Soon probably, maybe next shift?

Stella: I think we should tell Boden and Casey separately.

Kelly: Why?

Stella: I think Boden should know first because he will have to take me out of active duty. Hopefully I can either find a spot at OFI, or maybe he can put me to work in the bullpen. That way I can at least be with you. Casey number 1 is my captain, so he will need to find someone to replace me. Plus he is your best friend and I know how much he means to you. 

Kelly: That sounds like a plan. Did you want to tell Brett separately as well? I know you two are pretty close.

Stella: Oh, um. She already knows....

Kelly: When did you tell her? You have been with me all day.

Stella: Uh, well basically last shift while I was in the common room I got the urge to vomit again and I ran to the bathroom. Brett followed me because she was concerned. I told her my symptoms and she got me the pregnancy tests. She was the first to know, but don't worry I told her not to tell anyone.

Kelly: Honestly this is kind of funny. I thought you two were acting suspicious yesterday. Normally if you fall asleep in my quarter's and Brett needs you she waits ti'll you wake up, but yesterday she insisted that you come with her. You also are sometimes not the most pleasant when you are woken up, but yesterday you got up right away and didn't complain.

Stella hits Kelly on the shoulder.

Kelly: What was that for?

Stella: I am not that bad.

Kelly: You sure about that?

Stella: Okay fine maybe you are right, but you can't say you are much better than me.

Kelly: I will agree to that.

Stella and Kelly head to the bedroom and just sit there. Stella is sitting there with her head on Kelly's chest. They talked for about 2 hours, just about the possibilities and their future life. They both finally fell asleep in each other's arms.

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