Chapter 21- The Wedding Part 2

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It is now the morning of the wedding. Stella is with the girls, a hair stylist, and a makeup artist. There is also a photographer that is taking pictures of every moment. Brett is the first one to get her makeup and hair done. The rest of the girls are next. They all have dark blue bridesmaid dresses on to match the color theme of the wedding. Stella is the last one to get ready. Brett helps her with her dress. Stella walks out of the dressing room with Brett for the big reveal.

Everyone: You look stunning!

Chloe: Wow, look at your baby bump! It's the finishing touch to your look.

The guys are all wearing light grey suits with dark blue ties, but Kelly is wearing a dark blue suit with a grey tie. All of the guys are playing video games. Except Kelly. He's pacing back and forth. He's texting Cindy every 5 minutes making sure that every detail it perfect. Matt notices how stressed Kelly is and walks over to talk to him.

Casey: Wow, Kelly Severide being all stressed about a wedding. Never thought that would happen.

Kelly: Shut up. I just want everything to be perfect. She means everything to me and I want to make sure she has the most perfect day.

Casey: Aw, how cute.

Kelly nudges him on the shoulder. Kelly then realizes that it is about noon. He can finally send his pre-wedding gift to Stella. He then hears a knock on the door. It's room service.

RS: I have a gift from you. From Stella Kidd in room 203. She had a note for, "Hi baby, I know room service probably said it's from Stella Kidd, but soon it will be Stella Severide. Audrey and I love you.

Kelly: Thank you, can you please send this gift to room 203. Can you also make sure you read her this note.

Kelly walks back into the room. 

Kelly: Hey would you guys mind giving me a second. Stella mentioned that this gift might make me emotional, and I don't need you guys to see me crying.

Cruz: Wow this is a new type of Severide, emotional Severide.

Kelly: Shut up.

The guys walk out and close the door behind them. Kelly starts to open the gift. He takes off the tissue paper sitting on top, and underneath the photo album was revealed. He reads the cover of the album. "Maternity Photos for Audrey Shay Severide". He starts to feel tears in his eyes. He opens up the album and he sees the many maternity photos Stella took. He flips through a couple pages until he gets about midway through the book. It's blank, but on the first blank page is a note. "To be Continued". He sat there confused by what "To be Continued" meant, but he brushed it off and flipped back to the beginning of the book. He looked through the photos again. His favorite one was with Stella in a red maternity dress with a baby onesie on her bump that read "my parents's backup is on the way". At the bottom of the bag is also a note, it says "be ready for the surprise song when I walk down the aisle, fair warning you might cry." Kelly sat there confused what Stella meant, but he was now even more excited for what she planned.

Back in the girls suite Stella is just chatting with Brett while the hair stylist is putting on some finishing touches when she hears a knock on the door. She gets up and slowly walks to the door. She opens the door and sees someone from room service with a gift bag. 

RS: I have something for you. This is from Kelly Severide in room 237. He wanted me to read you this note, "I can't wait to start this new chapter in our lives, I love you soon to be Stella Severide".

Brett: Look at that, you have completely opened up a different Severide. A romantic, and soft Severide.

Stella: I know, being a soon to be husband and daddy has really changed him. If you guys wouldn't mind could I have a second? My hormones are everywhere right now and I feel like this gift is going to send me into a complete breakdown and I do not need any witnesses for that.

Brett: No problem.

Stella: We made this makeup as waterproof as we could right?

Makeup Stylist: I sure did.

Stella: Okay great because I have a feeling the water works are about to come on and I do not need my makeup getting messed up. 

Stella opens up the gift bag and the first thing she see is a note. It says "Today, March 22, 2021 is the day the next chapter in my life begins. This chapter is the most important yet. It's the chapter of marriage and parenthood. I am glad you are the one I get to begin this chapter with. I couldn't imagine starting the chapter with anyone else. You complete me, and make me a better man. I don't know where I would be without you. Happy Wedding Day, I love you and Audrey more than anything. -Kelly" At this point the tears that were forming in her eyes are now streaming down her face. In her head she thought, god I love this man. She then found a box at the bottom of the gift bag. She opened the box and inside there was a beautiful gold necklace. On the necklace there were the initials S, K, and A for Stella, Kelly, and Audrey. Stella held the necklace close to her heart as more tears streamed down her face. She immediately put the necklace around her neck. 

It is now finally time for the ceremony. Kelly is at the altar. Their wedding is at an outdoor venue, it's covered with white and dark blue flowers. All the guests are seated. Donna is at the altar with Kelly because Stella and Kelly asked her to officiate the wedding. Donna holds up the microphone and tells everyone she has to make an announcement and pulls out a note from Stella.

Donna: This is from Stella. "Hey Kelly, I'm excited for our big day. I know how much you love it when I sing, so I decided to sing the song I walk down the aisle to. I decided on "Running Home to You", see you soon. Love you."

Kelly has tears in his eyes. The song soon starts to play, and Brett and Casey walk down to the aisle first. Then Chloe and Cruz, Foster and Capp, and finally Katie and Tony. It's now Stella's turn. She had asked Boden to walk her down the aisle because he was like a father figure to her.

Boden: You ready?

Stella: Definitely. 

Stella is at the beginning of the aisle, and everyone stands. Stella and Boden slowly walk down the aisle. Kelly now has tears streaming down his down his face. Stella finally gets to the altar. She wipes the tears off of Kelly's face.

Stella: It's okay, and last time I checked I think I was supposed to be the one who crys.

Donna: We are here to celebrate Stella and Kelly, and the beginning of their newest chapters together. Kelly repeat after me for your vows. I, Kelly Severide take thee, Stella Kidd, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith.

Kelly: I, Kelly Severide take thee, Stella Kidd, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith.

Donna: Now Stella repeat after me for your vows. I, Stella Kidd take thee, Kelly Severide, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith.

Stella: I, Stella Kidd take thee, Kelly Severide, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith. 

Donna: Kelly Severide do you take Stella Kidd to be you lawfully wedded wife?

Kelly: I do.

Donna: Stella Kidd do you take Kelly Severide to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Stella: I super do.

Donna: I am now happy to declare you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride

Kelly puts his arms around Stella's waist and Stella puts her arms around Kelly's neck and they kiss. Everyone cheer and congratulates them.

Author's Note- I hate to do this, but I will have to make a part 3. I have too many things planned to put into one part.

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