July 27th, 2015

4 3 0

Surprisingly we're all still alive.

It was clear that we needed more food, and water more than anything. We had to go out and scavenge. This was it- my first time in the wasteland. The prospect of being out there was overwhelming. I could feel a gut-wrenching pain, my head soaked in a warm salted sweat as we prepared to go.

Jefferey was armed with a baseball bat, and I with an axe.

JP loaded his handgun as he swung open the front door. We immediately drew attention to ourselves, like a gazelle surrounded by a herd of lions. Four of them stumbled towards us, jaws biting down and noses sniffing the air as they snarled at the first sight of fresh meat in days. They were hungry.

As the first one approached I was paralyzed in fear. I knew what todo, but I couldn't make myself do it. Constable Riccard took the axe from my hand and ran toward the closest infected one.

The axe swung down into the skull of the corpse. Blood splattered in the air seconds after the sound of its skull cracking into bits. The thing fell like a sack of potatoes. It was horrifying to watch him do it so easily. This clearly wasn't his first picnic.

Again, the axe swung down on another infected head, lodging itself deep in its skull. JP frantically  yanked the axe from the skull but couldn't.

The third infected grabbed JP by the arm. I could see the constable struggle as he tried to get the creature off of him. Jefferey stood back, smirking as I stood, still paralyzed in fear. He drew the gun once more, firing off two shots right into the brain of the beast. He fell to the ground with the infected as it's grip remained tight around his arm. He shot again, killing the fourth infected seconds from toppling on top of him.

Covered in a thick red ooze, JP dislodged his arm from the grasp of the corpse and stood proudly in his chaos. 

I yanked the axe from the things head and we carried on down the street, heading to the corner store just two blocks away. The presence on the streets grew the further out from home we went. Those gunshots definitely attracted some unwanted company.

I was out of breath by the time we got to the corner store, it might be a good idea to get in shape just in case this set up doesn't work out as planned. I'd be useless on the road.

Jefferey tried the door;

"Guess they're closed," he laughed.

Part of me wishes Jefferey was infected- I kind of wanted to ram the axe into his head that very second. His idiotic jokes always got on my nerves- part of his "charm" I suppose.

The constable fired off another shot, this time into the lock of the door. He kicked it open and held his gun in anticipation of what was to come.

My heart stopped as three of the infected charged toward us. They roared a horrific sound as they went in for the kill. I was frozen still for a moment before I came back to reality; I swung the axe down on top of it's head, lodging it deep inside the creatures skull. Blood oozed from down the wound as I struggled to remove the axe embedded in his head.

I don't think my dinky little axe is going to be a great weapon against these things.

The second infected was just about to jump on top of me when Jefferey swung his baseball bat around, whacking the beast upside the head. He fell to the ground for a brief second, then proceeded to get back up& attack once more.

He grabbed a hold of my arm and we struggled as I tried to loosen it's grip around my wrist. The infected creature tried to bite me, I could see the drool dribbling from it's mouth as it smelt my warm, fresh flesh.

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