July 7th, 2015

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Throughout the day the power stayed on. I took it as a good sign, who knows, maybe they are getting it this entire situation under control. The past two days or so alarms have been going off all around the city, bringing the infected with them. Sometimes they get drawn away from our house and it feels safe again, but it never really is. Its usually a matter of hours before the next swarm moves in.

Around 5 in the afternoon the electricity flickered off, and back on again, turning on, I shit you not, the television, turning the channel to the CBC for a breaking news conference with the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.

I quickly grabbed this diary and we gathered around the television, anxiously waiting for his announcement. The pretty-boy took long enough arriving to the podium. He probably stopped to take selfies with some of the infected on his way down. You know how he is.

I'll never forget the words he spoke; as they flowed so terrifyingly through the microphone. Parliament was surrounded by barbed-wire fences with a heavy military presence to match.

"Friends, Canadians, life as we know it has forever changed. Many of you may be aware of the recent attacks and, uhhh, rash of home invasions. It has changed reasonable people in to cannibals.

A mutation of the rabies virus has swept through this prosperous nation, killing, and dismantling it's victims. If you notice signs of paleness or, uhh, decomposition isolate yourself from that person. Call emergency services and our dedicated officers of the law will, uhh, come and apprehend the creatures. It is imperative that you stay away, and avoid getting bitten or being scratched.

It's recommended to, umm, lock your doors and windows. Keep your curtains closed and the lights off, and remain silent as to not to draw any attention to yourself. If you believe you see an infected one, or are being attacked by one, uh, call 9-11 and report the situation. Barricade yourself from the infected until an officer arrives to handle the situation. He will give you the all clear.

Traditional treatments for, umm, the rabies virus have proven unsuccessful. We are working diligently with our American counter-parts at, uhhh, the Center of Disease Control to develop a vaccine, and cure for the virus and all of those afflicted.

We assure you that the situation is under control and that your government, uh, will handle the problem efficiently, and responsibly. The infected will be apprehended and brought to secured facilities within the provinces to await treatment of the disease. It is imperative that you do not harm the infected, as, uhm, it puts you at risk of virus transmission."

Shortly after his speech, gunfire blazed in the background and the televisions went dark, the power cutting off shortly after. That wasn't too reassuring.

I call bullshit on half the things he said. If it was under control there wouldn't be a dozen of those freaks out there trying to break into our house. You can't trust the government, you never could. They're just trying to keep the people calm. Its the panic that gets people killed in situations like these.

I can't help but think that this may be the end of us. Our extinction event. The world has overcome so many obstacles, but nothing like the catastrophe of today. It really seems as though mother nature has finally won. The human race begins to dwindle in population while the infected rule over.

There's a part of me that remains hopeful this will all blow over soon and next week I'll be back home with my parents, receiving the care I need. The hope I had was little, though. I don't really believe it.

Life looks a bit more grim, however. We saw for ourselves on the broadcasts that the infected can't be stopped. They gather in numbers at the whisper of flesh, Whatever this wretched virus is, it spreads fast. Justin mentioned working with the CDC... does that mean this goes as far as the United States? What about other countries? The whole world could be a graveyard by now and we'd never know it.

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