August 24th, 2015

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The doors are beginning to give way. The weight of the dead continually pushing themselves against this house is starting to take it's toll... sometimes I think I hear a subtle crack, an unsettling of the house... that hoard outside is nasty and they keep drawing more in. I feel like I've been in this scenario before. 

Hazel asked be where we will go once they get in here... truthfully, I am not too sure. I brought up making our way to the safe zone we hard about on the radio, the one in Prince Edward Island, where my parents might be, but that's quite a ways off. The signal on that broadcast fades in and out, so we aren't even sure if it's still standing anymore. The world went to shit pretty fast.

I don't even know how we would get there... it's not like I have a car anymore, and getting gas isn't as easy as it used to be. Perhaps we will bike... but winter will be here soon enough and that just wont be possible. It's not like we have THAT much food either, or bullets. Supplies run low fast. 

Hazel brought up going to her mothers house briefly. She lives in an apartment complex so I don't even want to imagine what kind of mess that's gonna be. The fact that she wanted to go there surprised me, after everything that happened between them, but I guess in the end we are all a product of our parents and it's only natural to wanna be home.

The entire end of the world aspect kind of changes things for you. Really puts into perspective as to what is important. Food, its important, water... probably the most precious resource around since the taps stopped flowing, shelter, weapons.. and lastly - family. I'll get there some day, but for now my focus is on surviving and I just don't believe that this trip is going to be possible. But then I come to the realization that I will probably be dead anyway- if there is any hope that I live, I must head toward the only part of civilization that might still be around.

"She has a car," Hazel chimed in as I faded away from my rambling thoughts.

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